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চুনতি ডটকম ম্যারাথন ২০২৪ অনুষ্ঠিত
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চুনতীর ১৯ দিনব্যাপী সীরাতুন্নবী (সা) মাহফিল: ইসলাম প্রচার ও প্রসার এবং ঈমানী শক্তি বৃদ্ধির প্লাটফর্ম
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Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin's Post in Priyo Chunati
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
13/05/2016 19:52:20
Thank you Minhaz. Very few can write my name correctly and you are one of them. However, it doesn't matter. Hope you all are well in Canada.
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
13/05/2016 20:40:42
There is no question of repaying debts to Abedin. If he has done anything, it is because he is the son of the soil and he loves the people who are none but his kins and dear ones. He is trying to fulfil the responsibilities and the obligations that he has towards his own people and his own place of birth. So, there is no debt here that one has to repay. Best wishes for all
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
13/05/2016 21:14:58
Thank for your prayer
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
24/05/2016 23:18:24
Dear Tushar, I am really overwhelmed and humbled by what you wrote about me. Thank you for your kind words and thanks to others for their prayers. I am an ordinary person coming from an ordinary family and leading a simple but clean life. What is extraordinary is the great Village that I come from and the great people who live in there. I love each and every dust of Chunati and I am ready to do anything for my village and its people. Please pray for me so that I can live up to your expectations and devote my best to the service of Chunati and the Country. Let us pray for each other. Take care
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
21/06/2016 16:13:22
وأذا مرضت فهو يشفين
Lutu Chacha is a great man. May Allah grant him fast recovery and bless him with long healthy life. Abedin
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
21/06/2016 17:59:54
Hi Faruq, glad to hear from you. Hope you are well. I am not surprised, Labib is a classic example of a worthy son of a worthy father. Our best wishes and prayers will always be there for him. Remain well & keep in touch.
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
26/06/2016 22:57:45
Raj, glad to hear that Lutu Chacha is getting better. May Allah grant him fast recovery. Abedin
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
26/06/2016 23:06:18
Zahed, as you mentioned about Badsha Uncle, I can not check my temptation to say a few words about him. Badsha Uncle was a legend who was endowed with all the human virtues a person could possess - a kind of 'All in One'. With a warm heart and pleasing personality, Badsha Uncle was a classic example of a smart, handsome, articulate, elegant and amiable person. Always vibrant with confidence and boundless energy, he could impress instantly anyone who came in touch with him. To me he was like a father figure whom I admired, adorned, respected and loved from the core of my heart. A loving and caring person, Uncle loved his family and cared for the people around him. Under his dynamic patronage Chunati High School thrived and came to the level where it is today. The fact that like a true Son of the Soil he chose to build his home not in the grandeur of city but in the tranquil naivety of his own village which he so dearly loved also testified his loving bondage with his root, let alone the epitaph on his lasting place. With his untimely demise we lost a father, a guardian and a great Chunatian. May this great soul rest in peace. Ameen. Abedin
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
26/06/2016 23:14:29
Please read 'adored' instead of 'adorned'.
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
27/06/2016 11:43:50
و يشف صدور قوم مؤمنين ( Sura Tawba ). يا أيها الناس قد جاءكم موعظة من ربكم و شفاء لما فى الصدور و هدى و رحمة للمؤمنين( سورة يونس ). و إذا مرضت فهو يشفين( نجم).
Dear Faruq, Allah is the Healer. May Allah grant Mejo Apa full recovery. Medical Science is very well developed now and Allah's mercy is always there. Plz convey our deepest feelings and best wishes and sincerest prayers to the family. Abedin
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
27/06/2016 23:35:00
Thank you Ahmed Bhai for sharing this precious piece of information. Not many of us, I think, were aware of this. This is something that one should share with others. Best regards
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
30/06/2016 21:10:24
Borhan, your Bhabi joins me in conveying our heartfelt congratulations to you and Tanin on the birth of your Second Prince. May Allah keep him and all members of your family healthy and well.
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
01/07/2016 11:57:56
With utmost humility, I take this opportunity to share a few reminiscences of my good old days with fellow Chunatians as regards to the venue for Eid congregation. Several years ago, on an Eid congregation, our respected Abdus Sobhan Khan Nana (Asad Bhai's grand father) stood up and proposed to shift the venue to Mandrasa premises. I clearly recollect the words he said. It was a verse in Urdu and it goes like this- سنو اے مومنوں کیا ندا ا رھی ھے غیب سے ۔ میدان حکیمی بھتر ھے جنگلی قبرستان سے۔ . (Someone may please translate this).
He raised the issue absolutely with good intentions and never to hurt anyone's sentiment. The main consideration was the space and convenience, nothing else.
He proposed to shift the venue to Madrasah premises, since at that time Sirat Maidan was not developed and levelled as it is now today. Now that Sirat Maidan is a well developed and suitable venue from all aspects for such mass gathering, we may give a thought on this. We may have to give due consideration to weather conditions as well. However, it should be on consensus basis and everyone should agree. Let the people of Chunati decide.
I must thank my friend Faruq for educating us about the joining of women in prayers together with men. We saw the practice in all important places including both the Holy Mosques. Two years back, my youngest daughter urgued strongly with my brother Mowlana Khokan for allowing her to pray Jumaa in our Jame MASJID. Khokan couldn't convince her. Since then, she is reluctant to come to Chunati as women are not allowed to pray in mosques there whereas all other places permit so. I think this is an issue we may ponder upon and make some arrangements for this. I shall be more than happy to sponsor this, no matter whatever is the cost. Faruq, thank you very much again and your Vagni conveys her deepest appreciation and thanks to you for supporting this cause. Salam to all.
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
01/07/2016 14:18:53
I am sorry,I forgot to write the pronunciation of the Urdu Verse I mentioned just a while ago. It goes - Sunu Ai Momenow Kiya Nida ( message,call) Aa Rahi He Gaib Se,Maidan - e- Hakimi Behtar Hey Junglee Qabar-stan Se. Salam
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
02/07/2016 01:21:50
Dear Suraiya Bhabi, thank you for your encouraging words. We the Chunatians too, gratefully acknowledge your benevolent support and generous assistance that you extend to our beloved village. What we appreciate most is the way you love, feel and own us as your dearest and nearest ones. Suraiya is the name of the brightest star that light up the evening sky and you like a Star keep illuminating us with your love, magnanimity and grace. Together with Masud Bhai, we are lucky to have you amongst us.
Bhabi, just an innocent confession here. Suraiya was my favourite singer who was also a famous heroine in Indian films in 30s and 40s. Her honey-rich melodious songs like "Tu Mera Chand Mai'n Teri Chandni" and many others enchant my heart still as on today as it used to do in my younger days. Listening to Hindi and Urdu songs was one of Faruq's and my favourite past times back then. Faruq is a wonderful singer gifted with a sweet mesmerising voice. We used to call him Mehedi Hasan, as he could sing Mehedi"s Ghazals very nicely. Faruq, do you still sing those songs? Sorry, to raise this issue on the Holy night of Shabe Qadar.
Yes, this viber site is turning into a meeting place for Chunatians and we hope that more and more Chunatians should come forward to share their views and experiences. Keeping the collective interest of Chunati at the fore front, conversations here should be enlightening, informative and entertaining so that one can learn, know and enjoy going through this wonderful.
As I write this message, gun fight is going on in Gulshan between terrorists and security forces. Let us pray for a peaceful end to the crisis. Salam to all.
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
02/07/2016 01:58:37
Relieved to learn that Masud Bhai & family are safe. We pray for safety of others as well.
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
02/07/2016 08:03:20
Faruq,Moni is right. It was Fabiha who fought with Mowlavi Khokan for praying in the mosque. My eldest is Saeba Ruslana. Thank you
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
02/07/2016 09:13:51
Operation is over. Seems most of those hostages were killed/slaughtered before. Total 10 rescued alive/injured.
NO CASUALTY FROM ARMY commandos. Details later
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
02/07/2016 20:23:18
1. Nationality of the victims : Italian-9,Japanese-7,Indian-1,Bangladeshi-3. (Total 20). 2. Terrorists -6.
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
03/07/2016 16:27:32
At the first place let me clarify one point here. Whatever I write here are simply academic discussions only and never with the intention of geting entangled in argumentative brawls. I fully agree with the points Masud Bhai raised and share his pains equally. My daughters visited the same restaurant with their friends number of times. The Argentine Chef there was a super cook and we loved his food. Today, Allah forbidden, my daughters could have been there and I would have undergone the similar ordeal of pains and shocks.
Whether present leadership lacks focus on the issue of this particular trend of terrorism is a point for debate. In every forum and occasion, our leadership firmly reiterated 'Zero' tolerance on any form of terrorism and this pledge didn't remain restricted to mere big-worded rhetorics only, rather was amply translated in actions also. I strongly believe no government, irrespective of their political ideals or philosophy or interest, would ever lose sight of anything that would endanger their citizens. They would rather do everything possible to protect the lives and properties of their citizens including their own image. Mighty powerful countries too, despite having strongest leadership and unquestionable commitment, on and on succumb to terror attacks. I will be the last man to believe that the US, French or Turkish leadership (or any other) lack focus or purpose.
I think there are other institutions which also share the greater responsibilities. Let us begin from Family - the very basic fiber of the human race .The prime responsibility to groom the children and taking care of them lies with the family. As my friend Faruq rightly mentioned that the parents must keep a watch on the activities of their children - their lifestyle, friends, conducts, attitudes and so on. Parents shouldn't ignore the behavioural changes or sudden disappearances of their children, they should share this with friends & relatives. As for Nibras, one of the killers, was the son of an affluent parents living in Dhaka and was closely related to a former Lawmaker of a political party. He was missing since last several days due to police hunt, but his parents didn't even bother to give any information about his whereabouts. Who knows may be they sheltered him out of parental affection and in turn, caused the brutal loss of innocent lives. Same goes for other five killers. They were on police hunt.
The next element of the fabric is the Society. It is also our moral responsibility to bring to the notice of the authority if we observe any unusual conduct or attitudinal changes in our neighbours, friends, students and relatives. Very seldom we do this. Ironically, a teacher of a renowned University expressed sympathy for one of the killers terming him as an innocent 'boy'. What a teacher!!! Anyway, police has taken a note of it.
Our religious clerics and scholars also have a big role to play. A directive was passed from the government (Islamic Foundation) to the Imams to advise and educate the people on regular basis in Jumaa prayers highlighting negative sides of this trend. Not many Imams follow it. When government moves to take action against defaulter Imams, politics comes in.
I am not here to defend the leadership or the government or anyone. All I want to say is that each and every one of us - be it individual, family, society, media, intelligencia, civil society, academia, law enforcement agencies, leadership - has a role to play. We are now at war and let's combat it together in any way we can. Sorry for the lengthy post. Salam
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
03/07/2016 18:05:02
Thank you Faruq. You are right. All of us are responsible and let us fulfil that responsibility. Keep well
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
03/07/2016 18:06:55
Thanks to Raj also. Fully agree with his views.
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
04/07/2016 13:34:32
Our forefathers in Chunati lit several torches to spread the light of education in our Chunati and left behind a great village which is so rich in culture and heritage. As a result of their noble endeavors, Chunati earned the reputation of being a home of scholars, laureates and literates. If you look at the hills where these great institutions are located you will see a cluster of stars like a constellation in the sky. Chunat Girls College is one of the stars lighting up the area and is a continuation of the spirit, tradition and endeavours that our predecessors left behind for the posterity.
I would like to thank our Hon'ble PM who unquestioningly approved the nationalization process of the College. We should gratefully acknowledge the contributions of all those who wholeheartedly worked for the College. The first and foremost should be our respected Sufia Fufu (Begum Sufia Kamal) who strongly recommended for the College. Then comes Hafeez Bhai (Dr Sultan Hafeez), a pioneer sponsor, who was instrumental in founding the college. Junu Dula Bhai (Ameen Ahmed Khan) and Deen Md Manik also contributed significantly. It will be ungratefulness if we do not acknowledge the contributions and support of Islam Khan Mama, Masud Bhabi( Suraiya Bhabi), Masud Bhai and Ershadullah Khan. Present Governing body chaired by my brother Manik (MD Ismail) also worked hard for the College. Then thanks are also due for all the people of Chunati without whose support the College wouldn't have come to today's standard. Each and every Chunatian deserves thanks and let us thank them. Forgive me if I miss out someone, and that will be due to my shere ignorance.
I am very happy that the College has finally become a Government College and went on government payload. The College has a long way to go and let all of us come forward to make it a true Centre of Excellence. (Thank you Masud Bhai, my friend Faruq, Arif, Mazid and others for your generous words). Salam to all .
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
04/07/2016 15:35:12
Thank you dear Shamit, this is your Bachchu Bhai, not Gen Abedin. I understand why you demoted me down from Bachchu Bhai to Gen Abedin and it is all because of my fault. I take the full blame for losing a younger brother. Shame on me. But a brother is always a brother.
I agree with every observation you raised. It wasn't possible to accommodate all the important messages in a six minutes speech. But I clearly recollect, HPM offered her prayers for all the departed souls, prayed for the recovery of injured ones and offered condolences to families.
Yes, there are lots of anomalies, miscoordination, misunderstandings and failures. There are many issues for our soul searching and future improvements. It is unfortunate that we had to wait long 12 hrs and wait for the Army Commandos to be flown-in overnight from Sylhet. Instead of citing examples of incidents like Bambay Taj (took 60 hrs to neutralise 11 terrorists & clear the venue at a cost of about 250 hostages) or any other similar occurrences, we should critically analyse our actions and strive for improvements for future. Keep well Shamit. Salam
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
04/07/2016 15:54:42
Shamit,fully agreed. I am not a part of Press Wing,but I will certainly take this up with them. Thank you
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
04/07/2016 15:58:59
Thank you Ashik for your kind words and also mentioning other contributors whom I inadvertently and ignorantly missed out. Salam to all.
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
05/07/2016 15:51:07
My appreciations to Faruq for his wonderful proposition. I think it is a good idea to introduce ourselves. Frankly and shamefully speaking,I hardly know many of the members here. As for myself,I have grown old (not applicable for Faruq I am sure,he will remain evergreen),my hair completely greyed and soon will graduate to grandpas' club. There seems to be a generation gap here. It will,therefore,be helpful to know the parents of our young members.
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
05/07/2016 16:01:33
Dear Faruq, thank you for your greetings.
بارك الله بكم . ادعوا الله عز وجل . مع
تحياتي للعائلة الكريمة . وكل عام وانتم وأفراد اﻻسرة الكريمة بالف خير
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
05/07/2016 20:42:31
I fully agree with Faruq that we should perform Eid Prayer at the earliest. 9 O Clock is quite late.This reminds me of my good old days when we used to assemble for Eid prayers at Eidgah in the morning. Some of us could never make it in time. Before proceeding for prayer, we used to undergo some rituals like gathering at the ghat (platform) of the pond for bath and only after the last reminder by Nurul Haq Badda Moazzin over the mike did we jump into the pond, had few quick dips, changed into new pajama & panjabi, searched for caps and sandals, applied some fragrance, swallowed few gulps of Shemai or whatever, carried own Jai Namaz and thereafter rushed for Eidgah only to find that most of the space was already occupied by sincere people like you. For some it was a long walk though. My house was the closest, hardly 2 to 3 minutes away, but could never make it before you, only to substantiate the saying - 'Inhabitants of Makka never make it for Hajj'. Fortunately I wasn't alone, some laggardly Chunatians were there too who would invariably appear at the last moment and unleash their anger for nothing. We call it 'quarrelling with air'. After the prayer, began the long session of hugs and it was all smiles and laughs, no anger, no complaints, everything forgotten. This was part of our Eid enjoyment and the first innings of our Eid celebrations. Those days!!!
I think 9 O Clock is posdibly for the sake of those late comers and could be for weather as Musallees will have to come from distant corners in the rains. I heard Chunati is experiencing heavy rains. However this can not be an excuse. Eid Mubarak to all.
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
05/07/2016 20:48:18
I wrote this only for the sake of sharing. Please don't follow this. Whatever Faruq and Abrar said is correct and right and should be followed. Just wanted to tell you that some of us were not that saintly.
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
06/07/2016 10:02:05
We pray for the good health and long life for Islam Mama. He is one the very few last living luminaria that we have. All the best wishes for Masud Bhai on his Birthday. We are proud of your great accomplishments Masud Bhai. I can see Asad Bhai is typing. Eid Mubarak Asad Bhai. Eid Mubarak everybody.
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
06/07/2016 17:34:43
Well said Asad Bhai. Valuable inputs and participation from the Pioneer Captain would enrich us immensely. We want Hafeez Bhai here.( Hafeez Bhai,please go ahead,we are behimd you.- it's like a popular slogan). Hafeez Bhai was one of the founders of Chunati Samity and was the mastermind behind the initiative. Ershadullah Khan was one of the flag bearers. We used to gather at Hafeez Bhai's residence for meetings where Bhabi used to feed us with sweets. Minhaz was the Honourary Office Secretary who used to write minutes of meetings and keep records. Asad Bhai was one of the active and regular participants. It was Hafeez Bhai who got me in. There were many others whose names I can't recollect at the moment. I am sure,all those front runners would now come forward again and contribute. Regards,Abedin
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
06/07/2016 18:49:39
Faruq,please send me some of your delicacies that you posted here. Then I will remember. Abedin
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
06/07/2016 18:54:56
I heard Chunati is experiencing heavy rains and that makes me nostalgic. It takes me back to our early days when all the Khals and streams of Chunati used to get swelled up due to heavy rains, offering excellent opportunity for some adventures in water. We, not paying heeds to cautions from elders, gathered together on the bank of the khal, jumped int the flowing water, swam across and got up on the opposite bank. The process was then repeated from the riverse bank. It was our version of water sports. Some of us were good swimmers, like Abu Hamed ( son of restected Zafar Master) who was our Brojen Das, but rest were average. It was thrilling to swim against currents, but we took the challenge and crossed the dreadful khal again and again. The main danger was the pockets of turbulence (ঘূর্ণি ) where water used to rotate with strong current and posed the risk of drowning.
Our football field was on the other side of the HATIYA Khal and strong current could never stop us from going there to play. We got into water, keeping our cloths on one hand raising it high to keep cloths dry and swam (mostly floating) with the other hand taking the advantage of current. On reaching the bank, we got up, quickly put on the cloths and ran to the field. No problem, no shame, all were friends. Those days!!!!
There are three major Khals namely RATAR CHARA, SONAI CHARI & HATIYA KHAL that flow through the Southern and Eastern boundary of Chunati. We had a friend who always confused between SONAI CHARI n RATAR CHARA. One of these Khals flows through the south side of Faruq's house. I dont know whether many of our young members here would be able to correctly identify the Khals of Chunati.
Just to share!!!! Abedin
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
06/07/2016 19:10:19
Ashik,please don't follow this if you are not a good swimmer. Please please
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
06/07/2016 19:16:40
Hamid from Munsef Para was a good swimmer too. He was doos in catching duck on the pond by swimming
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
06/07/2016 19:16:56
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
06/07/2016 23:16:24
Hafeez Bhai,that was very inspiring and insightful statement. Chunati is proud of have great sons like you who took us to great heights of honour in both national and international arena. Like a beacon in the horizon,you wiill ramain a source of guaidance and inspiration for our present and future generation. I must say,the torch that was lit by you has been rightly passed on to another visionary,Asad Bhai,who is steering the Samity with his able leadership. Chunat Samity no doubt is now in the ablest hand. Our young cubs also,Masha Allah,are coming up who will one day carry forward the flag to further heights. Abedin
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
06/07/2016 23:21:43
My dear Chunatians,New Moon has been sighted marking the arrival of Eid and the end of month-long Siam. May this also be an end of pains n tears,of agonies n sorrows,of griefs n despairs,of ailments and sufferings,and the beginning of joys n celebrations,of new hopes n aspirations,of new promises n dreams,of peace n happiness for all of us. Before we get washed away with floods of greetings,let us raise our hands and pray to Almighty for the well being of all Chunatians. May you all remain healthy,happy n safe. Enjoy your Eid. I miss you Chunati.
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
07/07/2016 09:04:49
Nice poem Dear Faruq. Initially I thought it was you who composed this. Only after reaching the bottom line did I find that someone else wrote. I was just going to ask you who was your first love whose reflections were lingering in your Far Away village as mentioned in the poem. Then I realised that would be too personal and embarrassing,children are here and this is not the right forum for this. Now rushing for the work. Keep well. Eid Mubarak
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
09/07/2016 00:17:52
Is it Noman, calling Dr Faruq Mama in the late hours of night. It's sleeping time for your Mama , you Bl...y F..l. Manush Holi Na.
Noman, welcome here. Dear everybody, let me introduce my dear friend, my class mate and playmate Mowlana Abu Hanifa Md Noman. He was a brilliant student and had a good record of sleeping in the class. He and me could never do well in the Qirat (recitation of Quran) and always ended up either in putting our head under the table or got beaten up by Qari Shaheb Huzur. Remember? Those days!!!
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
09/07/2016 00:39:58
Went to Chunati for a day trip today. Weather was wonderful, bright and sunny all day. Glad to see that Eid celebrations didn't change much. What prevailed years ago, persists as on today. The same age old traditions - visiting house to house in groups, paying salam to elders, tasting Eid refreshments, playing footbal match between natives & urbanites - all are in practice still. One change is that Shemai, Jorda, Gora Pita, etc remained no more Eid treats, these almost became history and are being taken over by cosmopolitan cuisines like pizza, kebab, tikka, parata and so on. It reminds me of Mohiuddin Bhai (brother of Shehabuddin n Giasuddin) from Yousuf Manjil. He repeatedly used to recite one popular Urdua verse - کھاکے لندن کے ھوا عھد وفا بھول گئے ۔ کیک کھا کے سماییون کے مزا بھول گئے ۔ ( Khak e London Ke Hawa, Ahd- e Ofa Bhool Geye, Cake Khak e Simaiyun Ke Maja Bhool Geye). It is about the onslaught of cosmopolitan culture on our age old customs saying that after eating Cake, we forgot the taste of Shemai. I love Gora Pita made with molasses, I looked for it today but got disappointed.
I missed Asad Bhai, Masud Bhai, Faruq, Minhaz and many others but didn't miss Suraiya Bhabi's gift hamper. I thought it would be Super Crete Cement inside, but found some Ramadan treats inside the box instead. I liked the cap. Thank you Masud Bhabi.
Chunati is a very close- knit village with excellent homogeneity and that makes it very special and unique. Here all are related to one another and almost belong to the same class of the society. There is no social inequality here and this is more explicit during Eid which brings everyone together. Thank you all.
09/07/2016,01:08:49,Saiful Uncle,+8801713255615,Assalamualykum and thanking you Abedin uncle...my son Mahir ask me about you and your writting about chunati.he request me to convey his salam and regards to you and all.
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
09/07/2016 10:09:30
Thank you Faruq for your invitation. The only place that I visited in Australia was Perth, that too on an official purpose. I haven't seen any Kangaroo there. So, one day you may find me knocking your door, not for Kangaroo or Gora Pita but to see you and your lovely family. I might even land up in Brunei as well, as one of my junior colleagues from Air Force is going there as our High Commissioner. It will be great fun.
I fondly recall our association with Fazal Bodda (Master Fazal) and visiting majars and giving adda together. You won't be able to recognise Fazal now, he underwent a total transformation - in appearance, in conducts, in life style & many things.
I will share my response about your 'First Love" one day. I dont want to become the whistle blower, unless you want to. Keep well.
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
09/07/2016 11:35:38
Thank you Minhaz for encouraging. I was thinking my engagement here was becoming too personal, sometime making all of you bored and may be annoyed. This site should be for collective and common interests of Chunati and Chunatians only, not for Personal musings. But, when I find my ' Jigari Dosts' and 'Yaars' like Faruq, Noman and my favourite elders like Khurram Bhai, Hafeez Bhai, Asad Bhai, Masud Bhai & Bhabi and many others here, I can't resist myself. Please please please , let me know when to stop and I will stop. Through personal exchanges we try to give a picture of our days in the then Chunati.We also try to add some sauce and spices in our communications in the form of funs and humour with the aim of making it entertaining and interesting.
I appreciate when someone inquired about bus service (it was one Hamed Hasan I guess). It only speaks about how far this site extended, stretching all the way from 'greetings' to 'personal reminiscences' to 'prayers' to 'religious fatwas' to 'bus inquiries". I won't be surprised, if one day people use it in place of 911 (SOS calls). Well done boys, great Group!!!@
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
09/07/2016 13:26:16
Dear Masud Bhai and Bhabi, thank you very much for your very kind words about me. I remember, we used to hang around you when you used to roam around the nooks and corners of Chunati chasing the birds with your airgun like a Field Marshal terrorising the enemy in battlefield. You made us, your foot soldiers, search for the dead or injured birds after shooting and we did that very zealously and painstakingly, only with the expectation that you would give us a rare chance to fire a bullet from your gun. It was a godsend thrill for us to fire from your gun.
I am a soldier, Sword is my bread and butter, not the Pen. I just pen down my thoughts here with whatever humble stock of words I have. True, my job doesn't give me the luxury of leisure time to compose well-thought out literary works. But I admire your unique style and choice of words when I go through your musings. What you write is simply solid gold - gems and pearls.( like 'Fair & Lovely'). Salam Masud Bhai and Bhabi
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
09/07/2016 13:46:02
Dear Masud Bhabi and Faruq,it will be disastrous to include Dulal here. He can carry on non stop chatting and will flood us with tons of stories. He is a store house who can entertain us with his uncountable stock. I am also ready to join him as he opens his Pandora's box. Come on Dulal,join here
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
09/07/2016 14:02:35
Thank you Saiful. I could recognize you now. You are the son of Badrul Huda Siddiquee who was my respected Badu Bodda. My father was fondly attached to your father. You used to own a library known as 'Pakistan Library ' where my Bora Mama used to work. My father used to visit there,even spent night there,whenever he went to the town. Please contact me in my personal number,we can chit chat there freely.
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
09/07/2016 14:05:45
Faruq,right you. Not only jack fruit,all papayas disappeared from the Munsef Bazar market the moment Dulal stepped in. Let him join,then I will come out with my am munitions
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
09/07/2016 14:08:51
*Right you are* & *ammunitions*
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
09/07/2016 14:31:02
Masud Bhai,your orders will be executed. But,knowing the immense appetite and the amazing gastronomical capability that Dulal had (I don't know whether he has it now),it will be difficult to satisfy him. I will give it a try
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
09/07/2016 15:38:09
Thank you Masud Bhai. I am coming after a short break
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
10/07/2016 21:24:58
As I was passing by Chunati Sirat Maidan, recollection of past memories again struck my mind. Once upon a time there used to be a big Lichi Orchard (Lechu Bagan) on hillocks with several Lichi trees owned by Rafiuddin Khan and Malihuddin Khan. Lichi trees usually bear several branches making it easy to climb and move from one branch to another. In the harvest season, all these trees used to be covered with mouth watering red lichis and looked very attractive. It also attracted potential thieves who attempted to steal and also adventure- oving young amatures. In off seasons, when lichis were not there, we used to play a game which involved climbing the trees. One person, say the Villain, remained on ground and other players positioned themselves on trees. As per the rule of the game, the Villain had to chase the others on trees and physically touch any one of them. Others had to move from branch to branch like monkeys and descend on ground by hanging in order to escape the touching by the Villain. Anyone touched by the Villain is declared dead and became the Villain.This was a popular game and we used to play this often, particularly during break time in the noon. Our Madrasah and School were close by. But game wasn't the only attraction.
There was another attraction for hanging around there. Some beautiful girls used to go to school passing through the Lichi Bagan and we eagerly waited for a chance to get a glance of them. The sight of these girls was overwhelming, filling us with undescribable pleasure and excitement, increasing the heartbeat and turning us real mad mad mad. They were simply stunning, something worth dying for. I will come to their part later. Faruque cautined me about the presence of 'Pola Pain' here.
The famous Lichu Bagan, once a prominent land mark of Chunati, is no more. I miss it, but dont regret losing it, as from its ashes emerged another mile stone - Sirat Maidan. Sirat Maidan is not only one of the jewels on the crown of Chunati, but has also turned into a symbol of glory and pride for the Chunatians. Sorry for lengthy post!!!
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
10/07/2016 21:28:43
*adventure loving*,*was declared*
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
10/07/2016 21:36:28
Ahmed Bhai,Salam. Very glad to hear from you. I know you were a real handsome young man - well sought after by many....... of those days. You were not certainly one of those Romeos,I am sure
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
10/07/2016 21:38:32
I just keep fiddling with fingers whenever there is a recess. Passing time,you can say
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
10/07/2016 21:45:03
Khurram Bhai told me to go on,so I am carrying on. Please don't feel bored.
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
10/07/2016 22:16:02
Good younger brothers follow their elders,Khurram Bhai
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
10/07/2016 23:20:21
Many of you may have seen the movie or heard of the 'Helen of Troy' or saw Suchitra Sen, Brooke Shield or Aishwarya Rai. These stunning beauties of Chunati that I am talking about were no less, rather far more superior with their pure natural charms. Like the princesses of fairy tales (pearls falling with smiles n gems falling with tears), they shone in contemporary Chunati with their killing smiles and hypnotic looks, breaking the hearts of romance hungry Romeos who aspired to court them. These helpless Romeos spent the sleepless nights and dreamy days craving for a mere sight of their goddesses. Sometimes if luck favoured, they succeeded in getting a quick view of the passing cuties, by peeping through the tree branches from their hide outs - a technique aptly applied by Khurram Bhai.
They reminded me of Mohammad Rafi's song which goes " Chowdawee Ka Chand Ho, Yaa Aftab Ho - Ju Bhi Ho Tum Khoda Ki Kasam Laa Jawab Hooo, Or Mehedi Hasan's song which my friend Faruq used to sing with his melodious voice - 'Hosne Ku Teri Bahaarown Ki Payam Aya Hai - Ek Papihe Ki Juban Par Tera Naam Aya Hey'. No doubt, these songs spoke of these beauties.
I won't disclose the names of these beauties, unless you tell me so. The list is not short and my memory still doesn't betray me. There were many other hide outs in other parts of Chunati duly established by worthy younger brothers of Dear Khurram Bhai. Those days!!!
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
11/07/2016 11:07:45
Thank you Faruq, I really admire your wits and sense of humour and sharp memory. Yes, like you, I didn't let one of the beauties slip off the hook. It was her gazzel eyes that struck the master stroke and grounded me. There was another antelope with equally adorable eyes, I hope you didn't forget her. I know you won't. ( Pola pains, dont listen to this, close your eyes).
Faruq, I am amazed to see you didn't forget that word - BHMH. It was coined by our late friend Bhulu and was used while referring to budding blooms that didn't fully blossom yet, but had the potential of becoming serial killers in near future . It was the full grown ones that our elders set their eyes on.
One thing I would like to make very clear is that we never eve-teased, never made any indecent move. These were our sisters, cousins, nieces, aunts and whatever we did were only discreet peeping from a distance, nothing more than that. Nor were we ever able to gather enough guts to verbally express our romance and fantasies to them. Our chests blasted but words didn't come out (Buk Fate Tu Mukh Fute Na). We maintained highest standard of decency, modesty and integrity in our conduct and demonstrated full respect to them. So, please don't get us wrong.
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
11/07/2016 11:30:10
Faruq,I couldn't retrieve Mehedi Hasan's song that you mentioned from the links. What was the song? First two lines will do
General Abedin's post in Priyo Chunati
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