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৪২ তম বার্ষিক তরীকত সম্মেলন ২০ ফেব্রুয়ারি অনুষ্ঠিত হবে
চুনতি ডট কম শিক্ষা সামগ্রী বিতরণ ২০২৫ অনুষ্ঠিত
চুনতি ডটকম শিক্ষা সামগ্রী বিতরণ ২০২৫ আগামী ৭ই ফেব্রুয়ারি অনুষ্ঠিত হবে
চুনতি ডটকম ম্যারাথন ২০২৪ অনুষ্ঠিত
চুনতি ডট কম ম্যারাথন ২০২৪ এর রেজিস্ট্রেশান পর্ব শুরু
চুনতীর ১৯ দিনব্যাপী সীরাতুন্নবী (সা) মাহফিল: ইসলাম প্রচার ও প্রসার এবং ঈমানী শক্তি বৃদ্ধির প্লাটফর্ম
৫৪তম সীরতুন্নবী (সঃ) মাহফিল এর অনুষ্ঠান সূচী
ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের নতুন উপাচার্য চুনতির কৃতি সন্তান অধ্যাপক ড. নিয়াজ আহমেদ খান
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Nazem Uddin Siddique
01/01/2017 00:07:37
Happy New year
Eusha Bin Hamed
01/01/2017 00:08:53
Have a Happy new year to all Chunatian..
Eusha Bin Hamed
S/O: Abu Hamed
Shanjida Rahman
01/01/2017 01:00:36
Dear Asad chacha,
your great suggestion is noted! I'll talk to Mr. Rashedul Haque, Principal
Mehrunnessa School tomorrow regarding this proposal. I'll also arrange workshops at CHS soon inshaAllah. Thanks and salam. Nandan
Shanjida Rahman
01/01/2017 01:04:40
Best wishes to everyone of this forum in this very happy new year!
Md. Ershadul Haque
01/01/2017 02:13:54
Happy beginning of the new year 2017 to all members of "Priyo Chunati" Viber forum.It gave
me immense joy that newly established Meherunnisa School achieved such a good performance. Congratulations to all PSC Examinee,
Teachers of the School. This result is an unique presentation to the Founder Maj General Abedin. May Allah rest the soul of his
parents in Jannah. Amen.
members of "Priyo Chunati " Viber forum. It is really a great news that
Md. Ershadul Haque
01/01/2017 02:23:52
The last three lines i,e members of.........news that,should be omitted. Md.Ershadul Haque (Bhutto)
01/01/2017 06:47:17
Wishing a happy and prosperous new year 2017 for all.
Dr. Faruq
01/01/2017 07:07:57
Although I prefer to celebrate the Islamic Hijri year to commemorate our beloved Prophet's migration to Madinah by Allah's decree I wish you all the very best on this and every occasion of turning the events in our life.
Dr. Emran
01/01/2017 08:10:19
Happy new year.All wishes to my fav chunatians.Pray for my daughter Anika khan started her final prof exams from Bangaldesh Medical college from today.Pls keep her in ur prayers.Dr Emran.
Mohammad Sajjad Khan
01/01/2017 09:57:15
Praying for our sister Anika Khan,insha Allah she will become a successful physician and will serve people like her proud physician father (Dr Shah Emran mama)...Sajjad Khan
Dr. Emran
01/01/2017 10:01:08
Thanx Sazzad.Doa karo.
Rabiul Hasan Ashique
01/01/2017 11:00:30
Our best prayers are always there for Anika.. May Allah's blessings be with her
I.H.M . Ziad
01/01/2017 11:53:56
Dr. Zafrin Chowdhury Ema
01/01/2017 11:54:45
Happy new year!
Ghalib Imtiyaz
01/01/2017 11:55:31
One of my new year resolutions is to read Al Mukaddimah cover to cover
Dr. Faruq
01/01/2017 12:01:30
We wholeheartedly pray for Anika's every success. Another feather in Chunati's crown has been added.
Dr. Faruq
01/01/2017 12:04:34
I have the Bangla version of Al Muqaddimah of Ibn Khaldun المقدمة لابن خلدون in my personal collection since 1974
01/01/2017 13:24:24
,নতুন বছর
কান্না হাসির পোঁটলা বেধেঁ
বর্ষভরা পুঁজি,
বৃদ্ধ বৎসর উধাও হল
ভুতের মুলুক খুঁজি।
নয়া বছর এগিয়ে এসে
হাত পাতে ঐ দ্বারে,
বল দেখি মন,মনের মতন কি দিবি তুই তারে ?
কি আর
দিব ? - মুখের হাসি
ভরসা ভরা প্রাণ
সুখের মাঝে দুঃখের মাঝে
আনন্দময়ী গান।
Abdul Halim
01/01/2017 13:42:09
Happy new year 2017
01/01/2017 13:42:23
Let Me Thank All The Good People Like U👍,
Who Made 2016Beautiful For Me.
I Pray that U B
Blessed With a Faithful Year ahead
I Wish U A
🌹Jovial JANUARY🌹
🍁Fabulous FEBRUARY🌺
🌾Marvelous MARCH🌴
🌸Awesome APRIL🌻
💐Meaningful MAY🌷
🍀Joyous JUNE🐚
🌹Jubilant JULY🌻
🍀Amazing AUGUST🌴
🍃Successful September🍂
🌾Optimistic OCTOBER🍁
🌻Nuturing NOVEMBER🌾
💐Divine DECEMBER.🌷
👍Have A
Wish U A Happy 12 Months Of 2017 😊😃🍃🌾🍂
Send 😄 these 😄 smiles 😄 to 😄 anyone 😄 who 😄 made 😄 you 😄 smile 😄
somewhere 😄 sometime 😄 in 😄 your 😄 life😄 It 😄 may 😄 surprise 😄 you 😄 but 😄 check 😄 out 😄 how 😄 many 😄 come 😄 back 😄 Thanks
😄 a 😄 lot 😄 for 😄 making 😄 me 😄 smile 😄
😀keep smiling for 2017....God bless.
Amir Mohammad Khan
01/01/2017 14:27:16
Happy New Year 2017 to all. Amir(from Chunati)
A.D,M Abdul Baset
01/01/2017 17:14:56
At the very outset I wish a very happy new year to my fellow chunatians. We shared
our heartfelt sorrows and happiness, trials and tribulations, pangs and pathos,lost a handful of near and dear ones, celebrated
birthdays of the denizens of chunati in a befitting way to the best of our capability fell to dissension regarding burning issues of
chunati some still left unsettled from somebodys viewpoint.
At the fag end of the year sirat(saw) started and finished almost with the
lapse of the year. People thronged in large numbers owing to stable political situation, favourable weather terminations of exam.
amount of collection is yet to determine as receipe book collection is still on the pipeline against the budget of 1 crore eighty
lacs. The number of animal is 140( combination of donation and purchase) of which 133 is slaughtered the remaining seven left in
sirat(saw) committee. The amount of 124000 of mobilisation fund is in the process of recovery( two lacs of last years outstnding). The
total amount of mobilisation fund is 1200000.
The remarkable happenings are_ Upgradation of chunati madrasa into university status, 60
years celebration of chunati high schhol, colourful prize giving ceremony of chunati govt girls school,upgradation of chunti mahila
madrasa( from alim to fazil) and of course a magnificent gathering at respected Islam mamas house where a lot of members of this forum
participated in grand feast and chanted traditional songs of chunati, I have forgotten to bid our gratefulness to our nana and beyey
haji Ahmed who managed to send goods amounts to tk 3300000 against the meagre advance of tk 300000 from mobilisation fund. This large
hearted soul always cater to our demand and sends in huge amount of goods( rice, pulse. spices) against uncertain repayment or
The predicament of chunati cannot be regarded upto the mark judging the glorious feats of our forefathers.If we draw aline
of similarity we will be found lagging behind in comparison with our surroundings. In A STUDY OF HISTORY Dr Arnold Toynbee identified
21 major civilisations only six of them exist in the contemporary world, our traditional glory and cultural heritage is on the wane we
have to ameliorate it.
We have to keep pace and in tune with modernism with strict regard to globalisation In the words of Samuel P
Huntington- the conflicts of the future will occur along the cultural fault lines separating civilizations. We have to realise the
global voice. :for the relelevant future there will be no universal civilisation but a world of different civilisations and
traditional culture each of which will have to learn to coexist with the others.
A.D,M Abdul Baset
01/01/2017 17:55:47
Mosharrof Hossain
01/01/2017 18:35:31
Thanks Dulal bhai.....how magnificently you have summarized activities of our beloved village...a solid performance report...
A.D,M Abdul Baset
01/01/2017 21:05:57
Many many thanks dear brother Asim. Your evaluation is highly appreciated.
01/01/2017 22:46:59
Wishing you a Happy,Peaceful and Successful New Year! May Allah SWT's blessings be upon you all and your families.
Dr. Faruq
02/01/2017 06:37:11
Mama-bhagina's reunion after a decade or more.
Dr. Faruq
02/01/2017 06:55:30
I feel jealous to see our most favourite and humble Minhaz bhai evergreen. May Allah live you long with enviable health and appearance!
M. Azam
02/01/2017 09:28:55
Thank you Faruq Bhai for your kind words. Yes it was indeed a great reunion. I was so happy to see Bhagina Jami with his family along with their two lovely and wonderful kids. It was a matter of great coincidence as well. I however missed you and Moni. Pls do keep us in your prayers. Thanks and rgds......
Amir Mohammad Khan
02/01/2017 09:35:22
Salam Minhaz Mama. I am now at Chunati. I am inviting you at our home. Earnestly waiting to see you. Please give me your cell number sothat I can contact you. Thanks. Amir
Asad Khan
02/01/2017 09:50:19
My brother Dulal is a multi faceted multi dimensional personality and a veritable
contemporary historian of Chunati region. He just opens up and out comes interesting episodes of our earlier generations. See how
wonderfully he blends literature with history.
Tum jio hazaro saal
Yeh meri hai arzoo
...and of course continue to enlighten us.
Dr. Faruq
02/01/2017 11:43:25
We greatly miss you as well.
Amir Mohammad Khan
02/01/2017 11:48:11
I am now at Mehrunnisa Govt Primary School. The school has changed the scenerio of adjacent area already. The screams of children and activities of teachers enthralled my mind. A scenic place it is. One tin-shed market is built already and another one is under construction. In front of the school Ishaq Mia road passes that is now smooth and wide. Some plants of flowers are seen in the garden. At times,I am waiting for the Headmaster,Mr. Rashed for a chat with him. Really enjoying everything alhamdulillah....
Amir Mohammad Khan
02/01/2017 11:58:26
I think,a lake can be made at the left side of the school which is now a natural beel....
Dr. Faruq
02/01/2017 12:09:58
Minhaz-ul Azam
02/01/2017 12:20:54
Bhagina Amir sorry I missed you in Chunati. I was in Chunati last week to join the Akheri munajat after Juma prayers we had return to Ctg. I'm on my final preparations to make my return journey. Bhagina I didn't try to take a phone given my extent of short visit but I may always be contacted at my viber no. Most of the times I am under the coverage of wifi other times you may contact with your Irfan mama for me. However Bhagina pay my regards to Henu Apa and your Abbu. Sorry for I could not see them this time due to very tight schedule. Insha Allah I will make it next time. Take care and make dua for us.
Minhaz-ul Azam
02/01/2017 12:28:16
.......we had to return to Ctg.....
Amir Mohammad Khan
02/01/2017 12:51:10
I arrived at Bir Bikrim Jainul Abedin High School. The school building and its surroundings resemble the Ctg Cant Public School and college a lot. During my journey from Mehrunnisa School to here I enjoyed the natural beauty of both sides at Ishaq Mia road. To my knowledge,the construction work of Ishaq Mia Road is almost 60% complete and the rest of the work is going on full swing. Inshahallah this High School will be a nice one after its full establishment. May Allah (SWAT) remain with this great venture. Ameen...
Amir Mohammad Khan
02/01/2017 12:54:26
Thanks a lot to Minhaz Mama for quick response. Hope to keep in touch inshahallah. I will surely convey your salams to my parents. Be fine and keep well. Amir
A.D,M Abdul Baset
02/01/2017 13:35:44
When elders speak affectionately good wishes and greetings drop down like rainfall
but when they praise there is a spontaneous overflow of blessing and welfare that stick to life like dew drops and provides impetus
for betterment. To deny attribution is sheer discourtesy so I desist from it. Your hearty appreciation will goad me on to
Heartfelt gratefulness and alot of thanks Asad bhai.I am ready to forget
Duniya me hum aye he to jinahi parega
Jiban he
agar jeher he to pinahi parega
Saeed Sohaib
02/01/2017 14:10:14
salam to all respected legends and senior citizens of Chunati. 2016 was Indeed great for
chunati as it witnessed some long run effective and great initiatives for chunati, especially in the arena of Education. establishment
of Meherunnesa School, Bir bikrom Joynul Abedin school, upgradation of Chunati Madrasha to university level, upgradation of Mohilla
college to government college, Mohila Alim madrasha to Fazil madrasha. more outstanding initiatives are just yet to come regarding
education of this region as long as I know. especially establishing meherunnisa school and Bir Bikrom Joynul Abedin school in remote
area will have a big push to literacy status of chunati as they incorporate a vast area which was educationally almost deprived.
these all smart initiatives will undoubtedly enrich and make sustainable the value of literacy indicator of human development of the
great chunati. we have seen some short time but effective initiatives by Khan foundation regarding health indicator. in this case,
establishment of a medical is a must to achieve stronger value of health indicator which is another important indicator of human
development. if we can ensure the rich value of these two, it will positively impact on living standard or per capita income of people
of this region which is the third and important indicator of human development. in addition, construction of Ishaq mia road will
surely improve internal connectivity and positively contribute to people's economic activities.
beside these lovely tales, there are
some poor tales in chunati. teacher quality is one of them. though all needed structure are here, teacher's quality in recent is so
poor. if we want real fruits of these initiatives, to make it sustainable, and if we really want to keep pace with modern world in
education, quality of teachers must be ensured. ensuring recruitment of talented and potential teachers and arrangement of training on
modern system of teaching for teachers are badly needed. another sickness is mistakenly involvement of school level boys in dirty
politics. it has been seen that a vast generation studying in class 7/8/9 are engaging in dirty politics during the time of
concentrating on their study. if we can not manage it, if we can not provide with a careful, safe and innocent environment to our
youngers for growing up, what we enjoyed before, those initiatives will not be effective and sustainable. historical and beautiful
social bondage of chunati will be under threat. in this regard, I expect extra concentration from our think tanks and senior citizens.
at the end of the day if we can do that, greatness of the great chunati will be at peak and sustaining.
and I thank my respectable
general uncle from the core of heart for his continuous thinking and all his great works for the development of chunati. we juniors
have no stock enough to praise you. we can only make dua for you to live thousands of year more. salam to all great chunatinas. be
long live. keep us in your prayers and guidance.
Saeed Sohaib
S/O: Late Mohammad Amin.
02/01/2017 16:39:31
Worthy writting from Sohaib... Keep wtting up,Part of ur topics most venomed and utmost fact "another sickness is mistakenly involvement of school level boys in dirty politics. it has been seen that a vast generation studying in class 7/8/9 are engaging in dirty politics during the time of concentrating on their study. if we can not manage it,if we can not provide with a careful,safe and innocent environment to our youngers for growing up" should taken by each and every Chunatian regardless of any political benifits.
Rabiul Hasan Ashique
02/01/2017 17:11:51
আবু ভাই এবং ভাবির জন্য শুভকামনা। আল্লাহ্ যেন সুস্থ সুন্দর ও নিরাপদ জীবন দান করেন।
Dr. Faruq
02/01/2017 17:21:07
What about if any Chunatian couple are for around 4 decades together? Just wondering.
02/01/2017 17:25:17
Their bonding are exceptional for sure,Abu chacha and his strugle for last 16years is definately extraordinary. May Allah be kind enough to him and his family. No debate at all...
02/01/2017 17:33:27
Happy anniversary. 💐🎈🎉🎂🎊
Dr. Faruq
02/01/2017 17:34:21
Not for debate. Just joking. I know about thecunbelievable sacrifice of Abu bhai's wife for her husband!Wish the couple all the very best!
Dr. Faruq
02/01/2017 17:34:48
the unbelievable*
02/01/2017 17:42:28
I understand u were just kidding it chacha. :)
A.D,M Abdul Baset
02/01/2017 18:18:25
Abu your name will be omitted from the list of dulals brother, food in front of you
and you are not touching it at all! just leave your dejected mood aside and gobble it up this is the order of an elder brother.
many happy wishes and greetings to the turbulent anniversary of a couple who have braved stormy weather of life and passd through
ordeal and came out successful like Santiago.
Again wish you a very happy conjugal life beset with celestial biiss and happiness.
Mosharrof Hossain
02/01/2017 20:46:40
Happy Anniversary big brother..
অনেক অনেক শুভকামনা আবু ভাই এবং ভাবির জন্য। আল্লাহ্ যেন সুস্থ সুন্দর ও নিরাপদ জীবন দান করেন।
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
02/01/2017 20:58:32
Heartiest feliciatations and prayers for Rosy and Abu on their anniversary. Your
life had been stormy, yet you endured with courage and patience. Rosy, you displayed an unparallel example of love, loyalty, sacrifice
and endurance. May Allah keep you two togeter in heavenly bondage of love till destiny do you part.
For Abu, dont try to follow your
brother Dulal as none can compete him in the domain of culinary acts. Leave that for the Maestro.
For the couples who sustained for
as long as four decades, we offer our best regards and prayers. You are short of only one decade towards Diamond Jubilee and we
sincerely pray for a Century.
Thank you dear Sohaib for your elaborations about some of the ongoing development activities of our
beloved Chunati. There are many more land mark projects which I don't want to mention here. The works will speak for itselves. And
thanks for mentioning the Meherunnisa Govt Primary School which is the youngest starlet in the constellation of Chunati.
Dear Amir,
thank you for visiting BIR Bikram Zainul Abedin High School driving all the way through Chunati Ishaque Mia Road. Like the main
artery, it stretches a distance of about 10 km, connecting the villages and localities of Chunati Union with the heartland of Chunati.
The road runs through scenic hillocks, valleys and plains, criss crosses number of streams and charas and finally ends at the furthest
village of Chunati Union. It is a World Bank funded project (costing taka 20 crore) with immense economic and social benefits for the
people of adjoining areas. The road is included as a sub regional road (Upazila Level road) connecting a growth centre.
Wish you all a
brighter New Year with greater hopes and promises. Salaam to all.
Amir Mohammad Khan
02/01/2017 22:25:05
Our Dulal Mama is incomparable; he became the centre of everyone's attention here. I believe,Dulal Mama will come up and say something in return. Mama's stories overwhelmed us. Waiting for another debate that was going on regarding the eating habit between my two respected Mamas. On this occasion,I would like to urge Dulal Mama to tell us the stories of establishment of Chunati High School. Mama's stories seemed unique and dependable to me. Best wishes.
02/01/2017 23:21:48
"Human tears is the most expensive liquid in the world
. Which is 1% tears
99% feel."
02/01/2017 23:49:29
অনেক দোয়া আবু ও রোজির জন্য।আল্লাহ তাদের ভবিষ্যত জীবন যেন আরো সহজ করে দেন।
একদিকে মেহেরুন্নেসা স্কুল অন্যদিকে বীর বিক্রম উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়, মধে্্য সংযোগ সড়ক যা চুনতির চেহারাটা বদলিয়ে দিয়েছে।িশক্ষার সাথে সাথে এখানকার মানুষ আরো অনেক কিছু পরিবতনের আশায় বুক বেধে আছে যার সুফল ও হয়ত তারা কিছুদিনের মধে্্য
৪৬ তম সীরতুন্নবী(স;)এর সফল সমাপ্তির পর মাহফিলের দুইটা বড় লোন খাত আজকে প্রায় পরিশোধ করা হয়েছে। চুনতির সমস্ত ক্লাব থেকে শুরু করে আপামর জনসাধারন যেভাবে মাহফিলের জন্য ত্যাগ দিয়েছে তার সুফল ইনশাআল্লাহ আমরা পাচ্ছি।এইভাবে যদি
আমরা এগিয়ে যাই ভবি্ষ্যতে মাহফিল আরো সুন্দর হবে।
Zahedur Rahman
03/01/2017 08:06:59
All praises to Almighty ALLAH SWT. We must be grateful to those the personalities
who have made remarkable contributions for the welfare of the Chunatians.
Kazi Ariful Islam and Mohammad Nayeem Nimu have been
rendering their best efforts for Siratunnabi SWM.
O ALLAH SWT accept all of our contributions to the historical Siratunnabi SWM.
M.A Quader
03/01/2017 08:24:28
Ghalib Imtiyaz
03/01/2017 09:00:41
DCC market in Gulshan 1 is reeling from the blaze last night
Mohammad Sajjad Khan
03/01/2017 09:12:55
Yes,its a horrible fire,still not in control
Ghalib Imtiyaz
03/01/2017 09:24:22
Its spreading to neighbouring buildings. I find the response to be inadequate.