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চুনতি ডট কম ম্যারাথন ২০২৪ এর রেজিস্ট্রেশান পর্ব শুরু
চুনতীর ১৯ দিনব্যাপী সীরাতুন্নবী (সা) মাহফিল: ইসলাম প্রচার ও প্রসার এবং ঈমানী শক্তি বৃদ্ধির প্লাটফর্ম
৫৪তম সীরতুন্নবী (সঃ) মাহফিল এর অনুষ্ঠান সূচী
ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের নতুন উপাচার্য চুনতির কৃতি সন্তান অধ্যাপক ড. নিয়াজ আহমেদ খান
ডেপুটি এর্টনী জেনারেল হলেন এডভোকেট ফরিদ উদ্দিন খান
মুহাম্মদ তালেবুর রহমান ঢাকা মেট্রোপলিটন পুলিশের উপ পুলিশ কমিশনার হিসেবে পদায়ন লাভ করেছেন
ডাঃ সেহেলী নার্গিস মাতৃসদন, শিশু স্বাস্থ্য ও প্রশিক্ষণ ইনস্টিটিউট, আজিমপুর, ঢাকা এর পরিচালক হয়েছেন
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Mosharrof Hossain
01/07/2016 00:06:48
I am not sure whether it is possible or not...even last few years there was proposal to create opportunity of Eid Prayer for the women also ( Waseqa A Khan MP,Suraiya Zannath Khan)
Shahadat Khan Siddique
01/07/2016 00:31:18
Photo Message
Md. Burhan Uddin Nowshad
01/07/2016 08:21:36
ঈদের জামাত সবাই একসাথে এক জায়গায় পড়তে আমিও একমত। আল্লাহ আমাদের ইচ্ছাকে কবুল করুন।আমীন।
Huda (Borhan, Edmonton)
01/07/2016 09:16:16
Jazakum Allahu Khairan to everyone for welcoming our new born baby 'Ayyash'. Sorry,I couldnt post the news on time. Mom & baby r doing well now,Alhamdulillah. May Allah accept our good deeds and prayers in Ramadan. Please keep us in your prayers and I ask Allah to give us an opportunity to do more good deeds,sadaqa and ibadah in the rest of the special days in Ramadan. Borhan
Dr. Faruq
01/07/2016 09:35:17
Aameen my dea brother Borhan.
Dr. Faruq
01/07/2016 09:35:28
Dr. Faruq
01/07/2016 09:41:24
মহিলাদেরকে সাথে নিয়ে ঈদের নামায পড়তে যাওয়ার জন্য রাসূলুল্লাহ সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়া সাল্লাম নির্দেশ প্রদান করেছেন। তিনি বলেন:
((لِيَخْرُجْ الْعَوَاتِقُ ذَوَاتُ الْخُدُورِوَالْحُيَّضُ وَيَعْتَزِلُ الْحُيَّضُ الْمُصَلَّى وَلْيَشْهَدْنَ الْخَيْرَ وَدَعْوَةَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ))
“কর্তব্য হল, পর্দানশীন কুমারী মেয়েরা; এমন কি ঋতুবতী মহিলারাও ঈদগাহে যাবে। তবে ঋতুবর্তী মহিলাগণ নামাযের স্থান থেকে দূরে অবস্থান করে কল্যাণময় কাজ এবং মুমিনদের দু’আতে শরীক হবে।” (বুখারীঃ হাদীস নং ৯২৭)
এ সুন্নত পৃথিবীর বিভিন্ন দেশে এবং বাংলাদেশের কিছু কিছু এলাকায় আজো প্রচলিত আছে। সুতরাং যে সব এলাকায় তা চালু নেই সেসব স্থানের সচেতন আলেম সমাজ এবং নেতৃস্থানীয় মুসলমানদের কর্তব্য হল, আল্লাহর রাসূলের সুন্নতকে পুনর্জীবিত করার লক্ষ্যে মহিলাদেরকেও ঈদের এই আনন্দঘন পরিবেশে অংশ গ্রহণের সুযোগ প্রদানের জন্য এগিয়ে আসা। তবে নারী-পুরুষের অবাধ মেলামেশা, পর্দা হীনতা, উচ্ছৃঙ্খলতা ইত্যাদি যাতে না ঘটে তার জন্য আগে থেকে সকলকে সচেতন ও সাবধান করা জরুরী। মহিলাগণ যখন বাড়ি থেকে বের হবে সর্বাঙ্গ কাপড় দ্বারা আবৃত করবে এবং সুগন্ধি ব্যবহার থেকে বিরত থাকবে। কেননা নবী করীম সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়া সাল্লাম বলেছেন:
(((أَيُّمَا امْرَأَةٍ اسْتَعْطَرَتْ فَمَرَّتْ عَلَى قَوْمٍ لِيَجِدُوا مِنْ رِيحِهَا فَهِيَ زَانِيَة))ٌ
“যে মহিলা সুগন্ধি ব্যবহার করে অন্য মানুষের নিকট দিয়ে গমন করার ফলে তারা তার ঘ্রাণ পেল সে মহিলা ব্যভিচারিণী।” (নাসাঈঃ হাদীস নং ৫০৩৬
Rabiul Hasan Ashique
01/07/2016 09:59:42
Thanks dear Faruk Bodda for ur good reference. May Allah bless us all... ameen..
01/07/2016 10:04:09
Rafiqul Islam
01/07/2016 10:16:25
ঈদের নামাজ তিনটির পরিবর্তে একটি করার প্রস্তাব সমর্থন করছি। যদি এটা করা সম্ভব হয়,তাহলে অনেক বড় একটি জামাত হবে। চুনতির ধর্মীয ঐতিহ্যে ও গুরুত্বের কারণে পরবর্তীতে আশেপাশের জনগণও এতে অংশগ্রহণ করা শুরু করবে,এভাবে ধীরে ধীরে দূরবর্তী এলাকার জনগণ অংশ নিলে এটি চুনতির আরেকটি সুন্দর ঐতিহ্যে পরিণত হতে পারে।সবচেয়ে বড় নেয়ামত হচ্ছে,এজন্য উপযুক্ত ও ঐতিহ্যপূর্ণ বিশাল সীরত ময়দার আমাদের রয়েছে,এমন সুযোগ নিকটবর্তী অঞ্চলে অন্য কোথাও নেই। চুনতির সম্মানিত সকল মুরুব্বিদেরকে এটার সম্ভাবনা নিয়ে ভাবার জন্য এবং উদ্যোগ গ্রহণের জন্য সবিনয় অনুরোধ জানাচ্ছি। আল্লাহ আমাদের সহায় হোন।
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
01/07/2016 11:57:56
With utmost humility, I take this opportunity to share a few reminiscences of my good old days with fellow Chunatians as regards to the venue for Eid congregation. Several years ago, on an Eid congregation, our respected Abdus Sobhan Khan Nana (Asad Bhai's grand father) stood up and proposed to shift the venue to Mandrasa premises. I clearly recollect the words he said. It was a verse in Urdu and it goes like this- سنو اے مومنوں کیا ندا ا رھی ھے غیب سے ۔ میدان حکیمی بھتر ھے جنگلی قبرستان سے۔ . (Someone may please translate this).
He raised the issue absolutely with good intentions and never to hurt anyone's sentiment. The main consideration was the space and convenience, nothing else.
He proposed to shift the venue to Madrasah premises, since at that time Sirat Maidan was not developed and levelled as it is now today. Now that Sirat Maidan is a well developed and suitable venue from all aspects for such mass gathering, we may give a thought on this. We may have to give due consideration to weather conditions as well. However, it should be on consensus basis and everyone should agree. Let the people of Chunati decide.
I must thank my friend Faruq for educating us about the joining of women in prayers together with men. We saw the practice in all important places including both the Holy Mosques. Two years back, my youngest daughter urgued strongly with my brother Mowlana Khokan for allowing her to pray Jumaa in our Jame MASJID. Khokan couldn't convince her. Since then, she is reluctant to come to Chunati as women are not allowed to pray in mosques there whereas all other places permit so. I think this is an issue we may ponder upon and make some arrangements for this. I shall be more than happy to sponsor this, no matter whatever is the cost. Faruq, thank you very much again and your Vagni conveys her deepest appreciation and thanks to you for supporting this cause. Salam to all.
Rabiul Hasan Ashique
01/07/2016 12:13:14
Last year Suraiya vabi (Mrs Masud Khan) and Waseqa Bhabi-MP (Mrs. RAJ) also get upset regarding the stoppage of their prayer at mosque. This time Abedin bhai's daughter as well. The list is going high. The alarming signal is,in certain period,more and more ppl may get reluctant to come Chunati. This issue should be paid attention. Sooner we can correct ourselves,would better for our beloved Chunati.
Dr. Md Abdul Mazid Osmani
01/07/2016 12:15:50
Assalamualikum to you all.With respect to Abedin bh,Faruque bh and others I am agree with this great idea and expect a great assembly on the eve of holy Eid.
Rabiul Hasan Ashique
01/07/2016 12:18:21
Thanks to Abedin bhai for his intention to sponsor the arrangement. Every year a meeting is called just before the Eid day named as "Chunati Shomajor Meeting"...
This agenda should be placed before the forum for discussion I think..
Dr. Faruq
01/07/2016 12:18:47
Thank you Bachchu for your very thoughtful and genuine arguments as well as the examples from the two holy mosques. Here in Australia,ladies regularly perform 5 time prayers in congregation in all masjids,including 2 blessed Eids. Same as the case in Brunei where I work now.
Dr. Faruq
01/07/2016 12:25:44
Dr. Faruq
01/07/2016 12:38:36
In fact,we can use our Chunati Seerat Maidan as a unique venue for Eids where all Muslims irrespective of genders and Chunatians will have the opportunity to pray Eids where we may get a different test of Eid inshaAllah. I used to lead Eid prayers many years in Sydney in presence of thousand Bangladeshi brothers and sisters. I delivered my Eid sermons in Bangla,English and Arabic. الحمد لله
01/07/2016 13:39:07
আসসালামু আলাইকুম,মহিলাদের ঈদের সালাত এ শরিক হওয়ার ব্যাপারে আমিও সবার সাথে একমত। এর সাথে চুনতীর সব বড় মসজিদে মহিলাদের জন্য ইমামের সাথে সালাত আদায় করার জন্য আলাদা ব্যবস্থা করা। বিশেষ করে রমজান মাসে কোরআন তেলাওয়াত শুনে মহিলাদের তারাবীর সালাত আদায় করা। যা অনেক দেশে বিশেষ করে মক্কা শরীফ সহ সব আরব দেশের মহিলারা সহজে মসজিদে যাতায়াত করে ইমামের সাথে সালাত আদায় করে।
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
01/07/2016 14:18:53
I am sorry,I forgot to write the pronunciation of the Urdu Verse I mentioned just a while ago. It goes - Sunu Ai Momenow Kiya Nida ( message,call) Aa Rahi He Gaib Se,Maidan - e- Hakimi Behtar Hey Junglee Qabar-stan Se. Salam
Dr. Md Abdul Mazid Osmani@India
01/07/2016 14:24:47
Assalamualaikum to all.I am proud of my niece Ruslana for her great voice and feelings for sala'at at mosques in Chunati.
Dr. Faruq
01/07/2016 14:52:43
Literal translation of my friend Abedin's quote from Marhum Khan's (my dad's best freind) utterance; not in the same form of شعر or peom though.
Listen o believers to a call coming out from the unseen
Hakim's ground is better than a graveyard in bush
Dr. Faruq
01/07/2016 14:55:19
I'm really amazed how my freind could remember this quote. What a sharp memory MashaAllah!
N I Siddique
01/07/2016 15:13:19
Sobhan Allah. Amaized to hear the shaeri. Thanks both of you mama for remember and translation.
01/07/2016 17:34:21
Dear brothers and sisters ( brand name Chunatians). Assalamulaikum. I've been thinking of letting you know how this messaging Apps (Viber) helped me in knowing people I didn't know, reaching out people needing our help and learning many important facts about renowned personalities of Chunati and religious issues. Thank you each and everyone to enlighten me with unknown facts about Chunati. I continue to be impressed by the wisdom, sagacity combined with rich culture every Chunatians possess. Please stay connected and use this media to strengthen the bond between Chunatians. Thank you Abedin bhai, Faruq bhai, Rabiul, Asim and Tusar for your kind thoughts on single Eid congregation and women participation-an issue I”ll reflect my two cent worth thinking shortly. May Allah's blessings be upon you all.
Dr. Faruq
01/07/2016 17:36:46
Dr. Faruq
01/07/2016 17:39:55
Thank you bhabi for your remarks on Chunatians and loving its people.
Rabiul Hasan Ashique
01/07/2016 17:42:41
Dear Suraiya Bhabi,
Assalamualaikum and a warm welcome to you over here. Definitely your valuable thoughts will grace this forum. Looking forward to see you more and more here. Ultimately this is our ভাইবার বাড়ি এবং আপনাকে আমাদের ভাইবার বাড়িতে স্বাগতম আরও একবার ....
Dr. Faruq
01/07/2016 17:55:00
Salam and just to share bhabi. We pray taraweeh every night here in Sydney with Nabila Chowdhury's (your cousin's wife) parents in law. They are our neighbour.
01/07/2016 20:23:32
Thanks Faruq bhai. I regret for not being able to meet you during my visit. Good to know about your neighbour.....they are our loving khala & khalu. Regards
Mohammad Sajjad Khan
01/07/2016 22:03:11
I would like to thanks General Abedin bhai for bringing reference of our beloved grand father morhum Abdus Sobhan Khan regarding Eid Jamat shifting,I solemnly expect our seniors would take initiative for the issue as well as think to find out shariah based solution for combined (men and women) Eid jamat by ensuring proper environment to avoid controversy in any aspects. Ref of Sahih Bukhari hadith given by Dr Faruk bhai and example of 2 holy mosjids given by Gen Abedin bhai are worthy,respectable women should not be deprived from religious rights by our ignorance or lack of proper knowledge. May Allah forgive me if I'm wrong. Sajjad Khan
Dr. Faruq
02/07/2016 00:39:56
You're not wrong Sajjad bhai. May Allah enter us in His Parsduse,may He bless and shower us with HIS infinite Mercy. Please keep me and my family in your special prayers in Qadr Night. I'm doing the same for you. Tonight (here 4:30am at the moment) is 27th night in Australia. May Allah accept our fellow Chunatians as torch bearers of our beautiful Deen and disseminators of His Message of peace to humanity. May He keep all Chunatians united,firm مستقيم and steadfast with his Deen and help us become the true followers of His beloved Prophet,the mercy of mankind.
Dr. Faruq
02/07/2016 01:02:37
Dr. Faruq
02/07/2016 01:13:18
Thank you Masud bhabi. I understand you were too busy to visit us. I expect your visit to our humble hut any time next time in future inshaAllah. Would be happy to receive you so you can inspire my children. My youngest daughter has just enrolled in CA here in Sydney,while her husband Sanak has completed CA couple of months ago. They are greatly motivated by you.
Dr. Faruq
02/07/2016 01:15:22
Please ignore 'next time' and read 'any time' instead.
Shamit Mahbub Shahabuddin
02/07/2016 01:19:14
When we decide that what we learnt during our childhood is the ultimate, you stop learning. I am a chunatian and I find it hilarious that many of us raise our beloved village to a holy level that is not required. It is a village in bangladesh which was under many rules but never under Saudi rule. To compare our village to a holy land is foolish. They way I pray after researching learning and correcting my prayer from world renowned Islamic scholars is not accepted in Chunati. My wife Bhabi and many others were not allowed in mosques. Me and my wife have said our prayers every where we have traveled. In Bangkok you will not find a single market that does not have a Muslim prayer room with special facility for women. You will be surprised we found a Muslim prayer room in lankawi Malaysia in the bang middle of the ocean in a sea fish farm. They did noT have Ac or proper walkway but they had a Muslim prayer room. Now let's come to the people who you are suppose to follow in prayer . A imam who understands Islam less than a non scholar is he follow able? Someone who does not believe in women praying in mosques is he follow able ? My Bhabi wastewater khan has been arranging Jamat for eid prayers for wome at her ancestral property in chandanpura for a few years now. She was not allowed to pray in my village. My fathers picture with an self written epitaph was uprooted by Islamic minded chunatians on the 40th day of his death. I love the spirit of siratunnabi. For me it is only a time for unity, prayer and most importantly free food for 19 days for the poor. To me nothing beats feeding the poor for so long. But if I go for authenticity chances are I will not find much substance there. But luckily for me the rituals of siratunnabi are not exotic and do not cross the line of wida. I am a descendent of shukur Ali Munsef. A direct descendent ! I don't believe he was a pir. I don't believe Chunati is a birth place for wali ullahs. Why ? Because islam forbades a me to believe in any mediator or pir or fakir. I am to believe rasulallah (swt) was the last prophet and last one to have power to speak or communicate with Allah in a super natural way. Anything else to believe is shirk. I believe Chunati is a birthplace of beautiful honest pious resilient people. People who changed there own fate in the garment revolution, in manpower export revolution and in many other ways. It is a place of progress. I don't see the reason to make it excessively holy. There are many learned and deserving people in this viber group. My intent was not to offend anyone. But as accountable individual of the community called Chunati one needs to ask tough questions and jolt at issues considered taboo. After all this is the twenty first century and we are here to contribute to Chunati . If some rituals have happened for years does not necessarily makes
It right. In light of our knowledge and ability to judge right we should raise issue with might. No point of rosy words for each other. This forum is becoming a bit of a butter factory. I think that is not politeness rather weakness!
Shamit Mahbub Shahabuddin
02/07/2016 01:21:23
* please read Waseqa Ayesha Khan
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
02/07/2016 01:21:50
Dear Suraiya Bhabi, thank you for your encouraging words. We the Chunatians too, gratefully acknowledge your benevolent support and generous assistance that you extend to our beloved village. What we appreciate most is the way you love, feel and own us as your dearest and nearest ones. Suraiya is the name of the brightest star that light up the evening sky and you like a Star keep illuminating us with your love, magnanimity and grace. Together with Masud Bhai, we are lucky to have you amongst us.
Bhabi, just an innocent confession here. Suraiya was my favourite singer who was also a famous heroine in Indian films in 30s and 40s. Her honey-rich melodious songs like "Tu Mera Chand Mai'n Teri Chandni" and many others enchant my heart still as on today as it used to do in my younger days. Listening to Hindi and Urdu songs was one of Faruq's and my favourite past times back then. Faruq is a wonderful singer gifted with a sweet mesmerising voice. We used to call him Mehedi Hasan, as he could sing Mehedi"s Ghazals very nicely. Faruq, do you still sing those songs? Sorry, to raise this issue on the Holy night of Shabe Qadar.
Yes, this viber site is turning into a meeting place for Chunatians and we hope that more and more Chunatians should come forward to share their views and experiences. Keeping the collective interest of Chunati at the fore front, conversations here should be enlightening, informative and entertaining so that one can learn, know and enjoy going through this wonderful.
As I write this message, gun fight is going on in Gulshan between terrorists and security forces. Let us pray for a peaceful end to the crisis. Salam to all.
Dr. Zafrin Chowdhury Ema
02/07/2016 01:25:30
Oh Allah save our country & it's glory! Rescue us from this horrible situation!
02/07/2016 01:26:13
02/07/2016 01:27:12
Where the motherland are going only Allah SWT knows.
02/07/2016 01:28:38
May almighty Allah SWT save all of us from any sort of devils and so on.
Dr. Md Abdul Mazid Osmani
02/07/2016 01:28:40
May Allah save our country.
Dr. Zafrin Chowdhury Ema
02/07/2016 01:31:45
Hope those relatives who lives in gulshan 2 are safe. Plz let us know.
02/07/2016 01:33:03
can't sleep thinking for the country at all.
02/07/2016 01:34:38
Dr. Jafreen auty is correct. Chunatian nearby Gulshan are safe or not?
02/07/2016 01:37:42
Manik often go by this road,pls check him if u hv his current contact. I don't hv much contact with him for long back. @ Dr. MAZID nd Dr. Jafreen Aunty.
02/07/2016 01:46:24
Im spending awful time as the gun fight is going on just my next door. My house is next to Holy restaurant. While my family is safe, im terrified by my neighbour“s daughter who is still inside the restaurant. RAB is using my house for their operation which is also worrisome as we are out of Dhaka. Let us pray for the innocent victim and hope resolution without major causality. Regards
Dr. Zafrin Chowdhury Ema
02/07/2016 01:47:52
May Allah save them.
02/07/2016 01:48:12
May Allah save u all dear Suraiya chachi. pls keep us posted.
Dr. Zafrin Chowdhury Ema
02/07/2016 01:49:57
Manik didn't receive my phone.
02/07/2016 01:52:10
See now live everything update 71 tv also other tv and CNN .BBC . AL Jazeera.
Dr. Faruq
02/07/2016 01:52:17
Thank you Abedin for reviving the reminiscences. I do remember all these often. Although I don't have much time to sing my old songs now a days due to lots more priorities but my voice is still auduable I guess.
The miscreants sould be eliminated whoever they are. Security and peace of our beloved country should come first. I pray that Allah protect our mother land and its peace loving people.
Dr. Md Abdul Mazid Osmani
02/07/2016 01:52:40
We feel better as knowing that Masud bh and Bhabi are safe.
Dr. Faruq
02/07/2016 01:55:38
O Allah! Please save all people around there and specially our Chunatians! Let's pray for the victims!
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
02/07/2016 01:58:37
Relieved to learn that Masud Bhai & family are safe. We pray for safety of others as well.
Dr. Faruq
02/07/2016 02:07:00
Alhamdulillah,May Allah protect others as well by His Mercy!
Dr. Faruq
02/07/2016 02:54:58
In Arabic, kun كن means 'be', but NOT 'khoon'. There is no such word (خون) in Arabic. This is a persian word. We should double check before we publish any thing. Sorry Ashique mama for this correction.
On another note, can you please enlighten me on at least one evidence دليل from the Qur'an or Sunnah that support your assertion that human beings are 'ashraful makhluqat' or the best of creation? I'm surching for it for long.
Minhaz-ul Azam
02/07/2016 03:11:08
May Allah save our country from all heinous attack. ISIS has already claimed the responsibility of this attack. May Allah save the lives of innocent people who have been taken hostage. Ameen
Masud Khan
02/07/2016 04:15:27
I have just received reports of renewed firing. Apparently the terrorists are making their demands that includes release of Khaled Saifullah establishing Islam and allowing them free passage. Unconfirmed reports indicate many dead. We still do not know the fate of our neighbours daughter. May Allah save all the trapped hostages.
Dr. Zafrin Chowdhury Ema
02/07/2016 04:24:31