
Author Topic: Education Material Distribution scheme for Primary students of our beloved village Chunati. (Read 1609 Times)

Saiful Huda Siddiquee

  • "Chunati. "
  • 031-2853031, 01819-328359
Education Material Distribution scheme for Primary students of our beloved village Chunati.
« on: 01 Oct 2016 »


Education is the primary source for children to keep their life in safe way. This project provides education material to unfortunate children up to primary section. These materials are very useful in a way that they motivate children to attend school and improve the quality of their education. 

Basic education material required for their studies without any interruption is our goal. 


Still in our beloved village Chunati some area unprivileged people are unable to provide quality of education to their children. For this project students will be select from deprived socio and economic background and below poverty level. Some of the children are orphans and some are with parents of who cannot afford to buy any educational material for their children due to their poverty. Un-education or illiteracy may cause lack of knowledge and unemployment.


this project will help to provide basic needs to children go for school without any break. We provide Umbrella or rain coat, School Bags, school uniforms, note books, pens, pencils and erasers, nail cutter Etc.

Fund Source & supervision 

Funds for this project can come from various sources. In a very schematic way, at the level of a given project, funds may come from individuals, private organizations or foundation, from government’s source and or any aid organization outside of Bangladesh. will supervision and executive total project association with any club, Educational Institute or social leaders.

Long-Term Impact

this project will help to develop children may get education. In future there is no question of unemployment, illiteracy. Deprived people can study their children without any financial struggles.

We believe that the poverty alleviation can be done through providing good educational opportunities to the next generation. Eradication of poverty in Chunati is a long-term goal of and it continues to work hard to break the cycle of poverty by providing the better education opportunities and mentoring children towards reaching their goal.

For this project this is just my idea and proposal, Please add your advice and suggestion if any.

Regards all.

Saiful Huda Siddiquee