
Author Topic: Gratitude (Read 10830 Times)

Zahed Rahman

  • S/o : Abed & Bulu , Enayet Ali Ukil Bari, Chunati
  • 01819383870
« on: 11 Jul 2017 »

Passed a few days with immeasurable mental peace and sound stay at the Holy Palace of my native home very close to the yard of my final destination where I do expect to be laid to rest forever.
# Perhaps, it's a maiden place in BD surrounded with heartbreaking beauty of greeneries on a hilltop.
# I am indebted to my reverend parents indeed and their maid Nasu's ma, my younger brother Sajed, Asheque, Shahedur Rahman , sister Khatun Noor Afza , brother in laws Fazla Alahi Arju's special assistant Sadek, Sohail Kamal , Advocate Minhazul Abrar, Shahel Kibria and his aide Shahid for their continued support to me.
# Thanks to the GoB for providing Solar Energy System in the mosque which diminished the essence of PDB's uninterrupted services. Let the Solar Energy be an alternate choice for the dewellers to get rid from the excessive load shedding.
# I kept in my prayers Mohammad Ismail Manik Chaca, Mohammad Nayeem Nimu, Kazi Ariful Islam who dropped me into the venue on 16 June. I remembered my fb friends Ashequr Rahman , Wahidul Hoque , Anowar Hossain Limon , Sajjad Khan , Samina Akhter , Salam Osmani , Mohammad Momen , Sohel Hasnine , Riton Das, Mohd Taslim Taslim and many more too.
# My Cell Phones which remained off in last few days are available now. Sorry for the inconvenience caused (if any).
# I convey gratitude to my better-half Roksana Shoma who sacrificed a lot along with my kids Arham Habib , Ahnaf and Barsat whom I deprived from getting their warmth affection and love as well.
O ALLAH accept all of us and bliss the highest kindness to be a real Chunatian as desired by iconic uncle Abu Mohammad Shahabuddin alias Badsha Mia former resident Director of Sea Resources Ltd who taught me how to write forwarding letters, my tributes should also go to Mohib Ullah former engineer at Fontas of Qatar and Sarwar Kamal former GM, CUFL who whole-heartedly contributed me in manifolds