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চুনতি ডটকম ম্যারাথন ২০২৪ অনুষ্ঠিত
চুনতি ডট কম ম্যারাথন ২০২৪ এর রেজিস্ট্রেশান পর্ব শুরু
চুনতীর ১৯ দিনব্যাপী সীরাতুন্নবী (সা) মাহফিল: ইসলাম প্রচার ও প্রসার এবং ঈমানী শক্তি বৃদ্ধির প্লাটফর্ম
৫৪তম সীরতুন্নবী (সঃ) মাহফিল এর অনুষ্ঠান সূচী
ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের নতুন উপাচার্য চুনতির কৃতি সন্তান অধ্যাপক ড. নিয়াজ আহমেদ খান
ডেপুটি এর্টনী জেনারেল হলেন এডভোকেট ফরিদ উদ্দিন খান
মুহাম্মদ তালেবুর রহমান ঢাকা মেট্রোপলিটন পুলিশের উপ পুলিশ কমিশনার হিসেবে পদায়ন লাভ করেছেন
ডাঃ সেহেলী নার্গিস মাতৃসদন, শিশু স্বাস্থ্য ও প্রশিক্ষণ ইনস্টিটিউট, আজিমপুর, ঢাকা এর পরিচালক হয়েছেন
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Lutfur Tushar
01/07/2017 13:08:09
অভিনন্দন সাইফুল ভাই
প্রিয় চুনতির কৃতি সন্তানরা যখন কোন জনকল্যাণকর কাজের জন্য জাতীয় ও আন্তর্জাতিক পর্যায়ে সংবাদের শিরোনাম হন তখন গর্বে বুকটা ভরে যায়। আমাদের সকলের প্রিয় Saiful Huda Siddiquee ভাই এর কথায় বলছি। চুনতির কৃতি সন্তান, চুনতি উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়ের মেধাবী ছাত্র, দক্ষ সংগঠক ও পরোপকারী এই মানুষটি সমাজসেবায় সব সময় নিবেদিতপ্রাণ একজন। উনি আন্তর্জাতিক স্বেচ্চাসেবী সংগঠন রোটারী ইনটারন্যাশনালসহু বহু সামাজিক সংগঠনের সাথে জড়িত। সমাজসেবার দীর্ঘ পথ পরিক্রমায় উনি নিজ যোগ্যতার স্বাক্ষর রেখেছেন বারবার। যার ফলশ্রুতিতে Rotary Club Of Chittagong Porty এর (২০১৭-১৮) বছরের জন্য সভাপতি নির্বাচিত হন। আপনার এই সাফল্যে প্রিয় চুনতির সকলেই আনন্দিত ও অনুপ্রানিত।চুনতিকে চির সবুজ গ্রাম হিসেবে বিশ্বের কাছে তুলে ধরতে আপনার সবুজের খুঁজে প্রয়াস নিঃসন্দেহে এক প্রশংসনীয় উদ্যোগ। চুনতি ডট কমের প্রতিটি পদক্ষেপ ও চুনতি সমিতি ঢাকার শিক্ষাবৃত্তি কার্যক্রম সফল করতে আপনার সদয় সহযোগিতার কথা ও না বললে নয়। পরমকল্যাণে কাজ করে অসহায় মানুষের মুখে হাসি ফোটানোর নিরন্তর প্রচেষ্টা অব্যাহত থাকুক। আপনার আগামীর পথচলা শুভ ও সুন্দর হোক। আপনার এই অর্জনে আমরা আপ্লুত
অভিনন্দন আপনাকে।
Zahedur Rahman
01/07/2017 13:09:49
অভিনন্দন ছাইফুল হুদা ছিদ্দিকী ভাই
Dr. Faruq
01/07/2017 13:20:29
My heartfelt congratulations to Saiful mama on his splendid success and recognition by RCC. Definitely he deserves more than this. This is just an addition of another jewel to his CROWN.
M. Azam
01/07/2017 13:20:36
Congratulations to Saiful on your becoming President of Rotary Club,Chittagong...
Dr. Abdus Salam Osmani
01/07/2017 13:27:30
Dr. Faruq
01/07/2017 13:34:34
Sura Al Kahf has immense blessings.
Abu Darda’ reported Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying: If anyone learns by heart the first ten verses of the Surat Al-Kahf, he will be protected from the Dajjal. (Sahih muslim Book 004, Hadith 1766)
Abu Sa’id al-Khudri reports that the Prophet SAW said: “Whoever recites Surat Al-Kahf on Jumu’ah will have illumination from the light from one Jumu’ah to the next.” (an-Nasa’i, al-Baihaqi, and al-Hakim)
Saiful Huda Siddiquee
01/07/2017 13:36:22
অশেষ ধন্যবাদ ও কৃতজ্ঞতা ভাই লুৎফর রহমান তুষার । ধন্যবাদ ও কৃতজ্ঞতা ভাই জাহেদ,সুপ্রিয় ডাঃ আবু ও সম্মানিত ফারুক মামা,মিনহাজ ভাই,সবার দোয়া চাই ।
Dr. Faruq
01/07/2017 13:41:51
Everything happens for a reason..
Always trust in Allah's timing. He indeed knows best.
Dr. Faruq
01/07/2017 13:42:42
Beware the ones who are so full of themselves & see everyone else as deviants. Only they are right. Be careful of this sick mentality.
May الله protect us from being arrogant and keep us among those who are humble!
Dr. Faruq
01/07/2017 13:45:45
Worry is the biggest thief. It steals your time,energy and inner peace. Turn your worry into worship of your Creator. Seek Him. You'll find your strength!
Dr. Faruq
01/07/2017 13:50:34
Don't bring yesterday's failures into today. Learn from them. Move on. The Almighty has better things in store. Put your full trust in ALLAH.
Dr. Faruq
01/07/2017 13:52:54
Don't waste acts of worship by engaging in gossip,backbiting,slander and the likes. You'll end up a bankrupt one day having to pay off those you've wronged.
Rabiul Hasan Ashique
01/07/2017 14:34:35
অভিনন্দন প্রিয় সাইফুল চাচা..
Shahadat Khan Siddique
01/07/2017 14:47:58
অভিনন্দন প্রিয় সাইফুল চাচা দোয়া রইলো ৷
Major General Mia Mohammad Zainul Abedin
01/07/2017 14:51:48
Congratulations,Saiful. It is an honour for all of us. Regards
Dr. Md Abdul Mazid Osmani
01/07/2017 14:57:48
Congratulations Saiful uncle.May Allah bless you. Regards.
Md. Shah Alam
01/07/2017 15:03:47
অনেক অনেক ফুলেল অভিনন্দন।
Hafizur Siddique
01/07/2017 15:16:21
Congratulations dada
01/07/2017 15:26:51
Congratulations dear brother Saiful.👏 All the best wishes...
Shanjida Rahman
01/07/2017 15:28:12
অভিনন্দন ছাইফুল ভাই। চুনতির মুকুটে আরেকটি পালক যুক্ত হল এবং এর সুফল চুনতি তথা সারা দেশের কল্যাণে নিয়োজিত হবে আরো বেশি করে,এটাই প্রত্যাশা।
Dr. Faruq
01/07/2017 15:50:20
Well said Nandan. I missed the word 'feather'.
Rashedul Hoque
01/07/2017 15:51:58
Congratulations Saiful Vi.
Amir Mohammad Khan
01/07/2017 17:03:09
Congratulations to big brother Saiful bhai on his success for being the Rotary Club President of one specific Region. Prabably Saiful bhai is the third Chunatian after Farid vai and Rohila Khala to reach a wonderful milestone like this. I personally once participated in a get together programme of RC in Chokoria organized by Farid bhai in the year 2005, 2006. Let's hope something new from Saiful bhai for the betterment of all of us in this connection. Congrats to Saiful bhai once again and thanks to all.
I.H.M . Ziad
01/07/2017 17:06:18
Heartiest felicitation dear Saiful uncle...
All the very best for your upcoming future.
Sohail kamal
01/07/2017 17:28:52
Being elected president for 2017-2018 RC of ctg port city . I would like to offer you my heartfelt " CONGRATS ".
Surely , you make the Chunatian feel two inches taller today.
From my point of view it is a glittering example has set been by you to follow for none but young optimists Chunatian in leadership, beyond own territory.
May Allah keep you well & enable you to attain more & more and bigger & better with an aim to glorifing our beloved CHUNATI in the days to come.
01/07/2017 17:45:29
Congratulations Dear Saiful Uncle.
Kazi Shariful Islam
01/07/2017 17:45:57
Congratulations dear Saiful Uncle,you have made us proud.May you have many more years of success & achievements.
Dr. Faruq
01/07/2017 18:21:20
Thanks Dulal for providing us the latest vivid and vibrant picture of Chunati. It has covered many important issues especially our moms',daughters' and sisters' legitimate rights to participate in congregational Eid prayers. I left it with the new learned committee to decide since it is solely a local matter and there is no religious bar at all to permit our women community to do so. Nonetheless,my humble view is that it shouldn't be delayed anymore. The sooner the better. The women health issue in Chunati is a perfect idea for which we must be thankful to our Surayya bhavi. It is an undeniable fact that women folks are somehow neglected and unfairly treated in our society. I think the time has come now to speak loudly for establishing justice and to uphold their rights including the rights of joining daily 5 time prayers in Masjid in congregation since they are fully allowed in the House of Allah in Makkah and in our beloved Prophet's masjid in Madinah.
A.D,M Abdul Baset
01/07/2017 19:14:43
Chunati in Eid Setting (A Pen Picture ) . A belated Eid mobarak to my fellow members of this forum. I beg to be apologized for inordinate delay but better late than never. I express my heartfelt gratitude to Faroque Minhaj ,Dr Abu, Saiful mama, Sanjida khala for keeping me in their remembrance. Lofty and dignified people make the transient world war eternal Abode and shorn off delicate faculties forget their duty towards their kith and kin. I convey my regards to exceptions like you.
Eid symbolises celestial happiness observance of Eid in chunati transcend all heavenly joys in excellence. My superiors used to ask me as all the family members put up with you what is the use of Taking hazard of long journey and other odds. I used to keep mum rather then say something on my INHAST WATANAM. Chunati Samaj covened a meeting (AGM) To constitute next executive committee. we five (Manik Badda , Asad vai ,I myself, Khokon ) were entrusted with the duty. Woman participation in eidgah was included in the agenda Oliuddin. Sahidu (Maulana Habib mama's son) Jubair placed their arguments in the negative whereas Asad bhai strongly championed the view. Minhaj insisted on to tell something but I kept silence for reasonable cause since the matter relates to Shariat we cannot arrive at a conclusion (Khokan was absent owing of illness) till we consult with Ulemas .Manik badda stood up and told. we postponed the matter and decision will be pronounced on the upcoming Eid Ul Azha that was his tactful solution to the burning question. our respected womenfolk participated Eid prayer in Baitullah, I had later on by ardent intiative of Nejat and Surat. Saiful mama,s article is the reminiscent of golden days we basked in. Chunatis memories of other older days are lovely, beautiful and nostalgic but we have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep....... I don't want to say that.., that has been preserved in the vault of subconscious mind like invaluable real pearls offers solace and soothing touch when we are in a dejected mood. Respected Akhter chacha and Osman chacha were panacea to the problems of Chunati and ours own. my father was totally dependent on Akhter chacha in land related matters . Both chachas (Badar Chacha also) .Osman chacha was knowledge incarnate. he was a versatile genius. he was fully capable to satisfy our query and I was never disappointed.
Kathuria para mosque has acquired tremendous progress. Roof casting is imminent . In a meeting with Moksdudullah , Shawlat etc we raised a tk of 50000 (app) still we are running short of Tk 20000 for roof casting. prayer to solve the crisis is solicited. Visited Ishaque mia sarek in the morning walk along with Maksudullah. Sadek, Kalan, Monsur etc. Heaps of Grouting ( mixture of bats and sand ). articles were found on the road along with roller bulldozer. We walked along the carpeting road from football field to onwards . another big structure of Meherunnesa school was clearly visible. casting is complete plastering and other internal decorations are yet to start. a two storied building and other shops (pucca) were constructed around the school as a pivot round which the dev activities will evolve. the road is very spacious like highway. I bade my heartfelt thanks to Abedin the architect of chunatis dev and for his Eid gifts (tk 78.5 lac allotment to three institutions ) .I know a profound gratitude to the owner of fulkoli Mr shah Alam who is constructing a building in the southern portion of chunati Madrasa,s cosing about five crore (five storied building )
he is neither ex student nor connected with chunati in any way. He also provided tk 120000 to the propriter of the land. Iagain extol this man with a shower of thanks. A newly constructed building was also found in the shopping area of chunati Primary School. Sanjida, brother Aaheque have left no scope to enumerate anything in Grand Gala night arranged by khan foundation. I madee it a point that I should make it a contrast to show the excellence. I was saddened by the conspicuous absence of my respected Khalu Islam khan. Masud Bhabi,s inauguration speech implied that she is thinking about women health. I wanted to convey soft objection regarding gender disparity but kept mum in awe of spellbound people around her. hats off to the social Medical and humanitarian service of Bhabi. So far I recollect Joan of Arc appellation who was coined by me but now it is tossing from hand to hand without bidding thanks to the initiator . I Intimate govir khobh o tibra ninda to that.
the night was magnificent and superb. we got back to our childhood with all the Splendor of eternal happiness. I still think that our childhood life in Chunati is the reapplication of heavenly life here afterward. the song reflected the tinge (kasish) in the truest sense of the term. the oozing out sincerity and goodness trickling down to Asad bhai Masud bhai and Bhabi are vivid and palpable. We sang and ate to our hearts content.
Justice kayani was a reputed justice of erstwhile Pakistan. Once he desperately tried to meet Pakistani military dictator Ayub khan but failed. Ayub khan was flanked by general Musa (Army chief and his beyey ) and others frustrated kayani cried out despair. O Moses we are far from god.
A message to Farouque your Natni reminds me of my respected Jinab khala who was synonym of my mother. PIease tell her that old is gold and keep it in mind while chosing boy friend and also remind that age is an statistic
Salam to all ADM A Baset Dulal
Dr. seheli nargis
01/07/2017 20:56:11
congratulations saiful Huda siddique.
01/07/2017 21:04:23
Dear Dulal bhai- Eid Greetings once again. A quick clarification on women health issue. My concern for lack of medical facility in Chunati by no means meant for women only. I'm sorry if I had not made it clear.
Hope to get back on this issue before my work priorities in Laos and Vietnam take over.
M. Azam
01/07/2017 22:32:12
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Welcome back Dulal Bhai. Your participation in the forum was so active and vibrant that your absence was gravely understood. I as such made a post to which I got immediate response from Saiful and Nandan with your where about. Very happy to hear back from you after a pretty long pause. A very informative post covering all the important issues prevailing currently in Chunati. Your post would be very useful specially for the ones living away from the country such as Faruq Bhai and others. Last but not the least the information that we came by from your post that sisters took part in the Eid congregation at the Baitullah at the ardent initiatives of Nezat and Surat if I have perceived correctly the information expressed in the post. I think it’s a great news. With thanks and rgds
Dr. Faruq
02/07/2017 05:46:48
Abu Huraira reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) had said:
Richness does not lie in the abundance of (worldly) goods but richness is the richness of the soul (heart, self).
(Sahih Muslim, Book 12, Hadith 157
Dr. Faruq
02/07/2017 07:16:30
Thought worthy of sharing belated though. The world's picture. Our females are participating Eid congregations more than ever. Where are we in our own soil?
Dr. Faruq
02/07/2017 08:46:45
From Shaikh Naasiruddin Alabani's write up. May Allah grant him the Mercy and Forgiveness.
"If you discuss about Tawheed (the Oneness of Allah), the people of shirk reject you.
If you talk about the Sunnah, the people of bid'ah (makers of innovations in deen) reject you.
If you talk about proofs and evidences, the people of (blameworthy) blind supporters of the madhahibs, sects and the ignorant ones reject you.
If you talk about /obedience to the rulers in (what is) good (المعروف), supplicating for them, advising them (i.e., in private) and (about) the creed of Ahlus Sunnah, the khawaarij, misguided people and the people of illegal partisanship reject you.
If you talk about Islam and establishing it in (our) daily lives, the secularists, the liberalists (so called modernists and progressive thinkers) and those similar to them want to cut off the religion from (our) daily lives reject you.
Ahlus Sunnah are extremely strange (غرباء)! They (i.e., all these misguided groups) wage war against us (i.e., Ahlus Sunnah) by all means. They wage war against us through audible broadcasts and writings to the extent that the family and friends wage war against this stranger, the one strictly adhering to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of Allaah’s Messenger.
However, despite this, we are happy with this strangeness and we take pride in it because the Messenger of Allah (saw) praised the strangers.
He (saw) said: ‘’Indeed Islam began as (something) strange
and it will return being strange just as it began, so toobaa (طوبى) (i.e., a tree in paradise or something good) is for the strangers ( للغرباء).” It was said, who are they O Messenger of Allaah? He said: ‘’They are those rectify (i.e., themselves and others) when the people become corrupted.’’
[Silsilah Al-Ahadith As-Saheehah 1273- Abridged]
A.D,M Abdul Baset
02/07/2017 09:51:11
My post is replete with mistakes.
cor: delete war,transcends,women Iheard 200000 Iconvey 1200000 sloping area made delete who replication hereafter not to frombrothers and bhabi choosing
A.D,M Abdul Baset
02/07/2017 09:56:10
Hearty congrats to Saiful mama on his brilliant achievement and glorification of chunati if you donot arrange any feast your parents( my nana nani) will be brought to book.
Regards, DULAL
Sohail kamal
02/07/2017 10:10:24
The world is three days: As for yesterday, it has vanished along with all that was in it . As for tomorrow, you may never see it. As for today, it is yours , so work in it .
--- Hasan Al- Basri
Dr. Faruq
02/07/2017 10:30:35
আমার প্রিয় লেখক সৈয়দ মুজতবা আলীর কবিতা সমগ্র থেকে।
" সরল হৃদয় মনে করে প্রেম লুকায়ে রাখিতে পারে
কাঁচের ফানুস মনে ভাবে লুকায়েছে শিখাটারে।।
রাজসভাতে এসেছিলাম বসতে দিলে পিছে,
সাগর জলে ময়লা ভাসে, মুক্তো থাকে নিচে।
শত্রুর মিলনে মনে অতি কষ্ট হয়
বন্ধুর বিচ্ছেদে কষ্ট হয় সাতিশয়।
উভয়েই বহু কষ্ট দেয় যদি মনে
শত্রু মিত্রে কিবা ভেদ তবে এ ভুবনে?
কে বল সহজ, ফাঁকা যাহা তারে, কাঁধেতে বহিতে যাওয়া।
জীবন যতই ফাঁকা হয়ে যায়, ততই কঠিন বওয়া।
হাজার যোজন নিচে নামিয়া আকাশের ঐ তারা
গোস্পদে হ'ল প্রতিবিম্বিত ; তাই হল মানহারা?
কাফেলা যখন পৌছালো গৃহে মরভু্ূমি হয়ে পার
সবাই নীরব।উটের গলায়ও ঘন্টা বাজে না আর।
তুমি বলেছিলে 'ভাবনা কিসের? আমি তোমারেই ভালোবাসি;
আনন্দে থাকো, ধৈর্য-সলিলে ভাবনা সে যাক ভাসি।'
ধৈর্য কোথায়? কিবা সে হৃদয়? হৃদয় কাহারে কয়?
সে তো শুধু এক বিন্দু শোণিত আর ফরিয়াদ-রাশি।।"
Dr. Faruq
02/07/2017 10:48:17
মহাকবি ইকবালের কবিতায় প্রেম
ইকবাল কাব্যে প্রেম হলো তাঁর দর্শনের স্থিতিশীলতার মূল উৎস। ইকবাল তাঁর কাব্যে পাঠককে বারবার প্রেমের রাজ্যে আমন্ত্রণ জানিয়েছেন। কেননা প্রেম অভ্যন্তরীণ সৃষ্টিশীলতা বৃদ্ধি করে, ফলে বড়ো ধরনের কাজ করা সম্ভব হয়। ইকবাল মনে করতেন প্রেম হলো বিপর্যস্ত জীবনে মানব মুক্তির সোপান। তিনি স্মরণ করে দিয়েছেন যে, প্রেম আর মানুষ আদিকাল থেকেই ছিল নিত্যসঙ্গী ও সদা সহচর। প্রেমকে উদ্দেশ্য করে তিনি বলেন প্রেম মানুষকে যেন বোঝা থেকে নিষ্কৃতি দেয় এবং এই পৃথিবীর তাবৎ আবর্জনা থেকে যেন মানুষকে মুক্তি দেয়। তিনি লিখেছেন:
بيا اين خاكدان را گلستان ساز
جهان پير را ديگر جوان ساز
بيا يك ذره از درد دلم گير
ته گردون بهشت جاودان ساز
ز روز آفرينش همدم استيم
همان يك نغمه را زير و بم استيم
এসো এই আবর্জনার স্তুপকে ফুল বাগান বানিয়ে দাও
বৃদ্ধ এই পৃথিবীকে আবার যৌবনদীপ্ত যুবক বানিয়ে দাও
এসো আমার হৃদয়ের ব্যথাগুলোর খানিকটা নিয়ে যাও
এ অন্তরে বেহেশ্তের চিরন্তন প্রশান্তির ধারা বইয়ে দাও
সৃষ্টির শুরু থেকেই তোমার সাথে আছি নিঃশ্বাসে-প্রশ্বাসে
আছি সুরের উদারা থেকে তারায় একাকার মিলেমিশে।
ইকবালের কবিতায় প্রেম আল্লাহর এক বিশেষ অনুগ্রহ এবং ইতিবাচক ও গঠনমূলক একটি উপাদান হিসেবে এসেছে। প্রেমকে ইকবাল এমন এক শক্তি বলে মনে করেন, যে শক্তির বলে মানুষের ভেতরকার সৃজনী ও মেধা শক্তি জেগে ওঠে। আর শক্তির প্রেরণায় মানুষ তার প্রেমাস্পদের দিকে ছুটতে থাকে। কবি ইকবালের ভাষায়:
هست معشوقي نهان اندر دلت
چشم اگر داري بيا بنمايمت
عاشقان او ز خوبان خوبتر
خوشتر و زيباتر و محبوبتر
دل از عشق او توانا مي شود
خاك همدوش ثريا مي شود
তোমার অন্তরে লুকিয়ে আছে এক প্রেমাস্পদ
যদি চোখ থেকে থাকে এসো তোমাকে দেখাই
তার প্রেমিক ভালোর চেয়েও ভালো
প্রফুল্লময়, চমৎকার এবং প্রিয়তরো
তার প্রেমে এই অন্তর হয়ে ওঠে সামর্থবান
মাটিও হয়ে ওঠে সপ্তর্ষিমণ্ডলের মতো উজ্জ্বল
Dr. Faruq
02/07/2017 10:54:06
Allama Rumi's amazing quotes.
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
― Rumi
“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”
― Rumi
“What you seek is seeking you.”
― Rumi
“If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished?”
― Rumi
A.D,M Abdul Baset
02/07/2017 11:32:16
Eid mobarak again from a defaulter. Brother Faroque thank you for appreciation. Idont want to involve in any argument with you on women participation since it has been resolved at present.Iam not a religious scholer like you and Ideem myself neutral. Pl do not say ' THERE IS NO RELIGIOUS BAR AT ALL TO PERMIT------. In Bokhari Sharif Hazarat Omar(ra) himself hugging his wife in disguise convinced her not to go to mosque and stopped the process. Just see apart from Khulafae Rashedin there is hazarat Abdur Rahman bin Auf( asra mobassera) the messenger of Allah(saw) declared that had there been any prophet after me it would have been Omar.Never assume that Iam against women participation but when a scholer like you pronounce a judgement without upholding both sides it will beckon a wrong signal.Since it lies with the samaj let them settle the matter on tneir own way.Chunati is not a cosmopolitan city it is avillage of one way traffic.unless you arrange totally separrate system there is every possibility of Ghaira Moharram and violation of veil(hejab) system.You can correspond with chunati society sending in something in the form of a fatwa that there is no bar in Islam in this matter.
Many many thanks bhabi now we are rest assured. We were afraid that you are diverting your entire effort and channellising total fund towards the welfare of women. Pl go ahead with your misanthropist sorry philanthropist activity.
I intimate profound gratitude to my brother Minhaj for his painstaking concern to a brother. Relation and likemindedness breed eulogy disproportionate to competency.Still Iwelcome and thnk you for your high appreciation which Ido not deserve.Brother chunati is deeply embedded in our existence any reference to it awakens a sense of enthrallment and stimulates our faculties to INHAST WATANAM.
Regards DULAL
Dr. Faruq
02/07/2017 13:54:28
@my dearest freind and cousin Dulal.
Since the issue of our women's participation in Eid congregations in our beloved Chunati has already been resolved by the wise and prudent decision of the Committee I don't want to indulge in this anymore in order to avoid any fitnah or chaos. The cursed Shaytan always fuel in suh matters to divide us.
Yes, there is more than one view of Islamic scholars on this issue, but the majority of scholars allow our moms and daughters to take part in congregational prayers inside a masjid behind their male peers within each own demarcated boundaries. I don't think my comments (there is no bar...) are giving a wrong signal to anyone since it is a near concensus view of the scholars of all schools (مذاهب) that if the women folks are segregated from men worshippers, and necessary arrangements for women folks are made then ..."there is no bar.....". In fact, I had mentioned it in my earlier postings more than once. Please don't take my latter remarks out of the context of the earlier ones.
Now, let's come to the position of your neutrality. It's solely upto you to be with one side or keep nutral by being in a safe side supporting both sides. But your arguments show otherwise. Any way. My personal view is that as a learned person you need to be active, if not proactive or reactionary either by supporting one view with regrds to any such issue, or by holding the opposite view should you have to play a leadership role in any society.
Albeit, I always have had the same view with you that it is our learned Samaj committee members who will decide on any local issue depending on our culture, customs, and traditions without violating the principles of the Shari’ah.
Btw, I thank you for your sincere tributes to my beloved mom (জান্নাত বাসীনি মা জননী) in your earlier posting without whose tremendous efforts, painstaking dedications and contributions I wouldn't've existed on this earth today.
Last but not the least, in order to give a verdict on a Shari'ah issue be it is a contemporary or classic, please note that a mujtahid (مجتهد شرعى) have to have resort to all relevant texts (نصوص) like the verses of the Qur'an, Prophetic narrations / sayings (الأحاديث) and his traditions (السنة) along with all other sources of Shari'ah such as qiyas (القياس), ijma' (الاجماع) maslaha mursalah (المصلحة المرسلة), istishab (الاستصحاب ), 'urf (العرف), qawl as sahabi (قول الصحابى), and so on. The Maqasid shari'ah (مقاصد الشريعة) is also of a prime importance to reach to a decision on religious matters. If you cite only 1 or 2 hadith or practice of some sahabah for any ijtihadi issue to merely support your view would be misleading. We need to study all related texts together to solve any Shari'ah issue. Please also be reminded that in my previous postings, I mentioned all the relavent evidences and proofs in favour of and against the issue. I'm not a typical mufti like some in Bangladesh who issues fatawa on any issue nor do I want to be although I was given necessary permission by default by the Islamic University of Madinah from where I graduated in Shari'ah in 1984 to issue any such verdict using my knowledge that I have been blessed by Allah with His great Mercy.
My intention is not to argue on this with anyone in this forum at all. I had indulged on this because I was asked by many of my fellow Chunatians to address the issue from Islamic legal perspectives. I appreciate if you would kindly stop counter arguing on this since we could niw see the light at the end of the tunnel. My sincere apologies if my somehow scattered write up has hurt you in any way.
Dr. Faruq
02/07/2017 14:05:16
taking into consideration of other secondary sources of the Shari'ah*
A.D,M Abdul Baset
02/07/2017 14:54:18
Dear brother Faroque Iam astonished on going throgh your argument. You have a suspicion of my nutrality as I HAVE NOT ENDORSED YOUR VIEW. How could you tell that one or two hadith will not suffice should Imake you aware of the fact that when one sahaba(the stature of hazarat OMAR(RA) pronounces a decision if others do not object it becomes IJMA. 20 rakat tarabi may be cited as an example. Hazarat Ayeshas(ra) hadith in BUKHARI Sharif clearly prohibited Woman participation in this respect. Almost all Ahnaf ULEMAS are unanimous champioing this view with strict regard to present age. I would request you to go through Allama Askalani and allama badruddin Ainis( writer of BUKHARI SHARIFS SARAH) comment in this respect. Iwould like to request you to go through Grand mufti of Indo- Pak sub-continent Allama Kefayetullahs Kefayetul Mufti, volume 5(page408 to 430) Sometimes to appease a section or a particular person our scholers get biased Ipray to ALMIGHTY(swt) to save you from that. Anyway it is not my subject and Iam none of the decision making authority still Iwant to sit with you on this topics during your next visit to chunati. I beg your pardon if Ihurt you in any way. Islamic scholers are divided in opinion since ayyam a jahelia to the hey day of Islam. It is illogical and unwise to pronounce verdict unless you are a MUJTAHID with the fullfilment of austere pre- conditions.
Dr. Faruq
02/07/2017 15:32:38
Thanks Dulal. I don't want to discuss this issue with you further either face to face or in writing for the reasons I have already mentioned in my last posting. Just to let you know to remove your assumption/doubt about my intention that I have already gone through all that references you have cited here. I humbly urge you not to involve in an issue beyond your area of especialisation. I can't prescribe any medicine for a patiant since I'm not a GP. We all know that the difference in scholars' opinion is a mercy for the umnah as it gives us flexibility, ease, freedom and مرونة
Our beloved Prophet has rightly said.
يسروا و لاتعسروا بشروا ولا تنفروا
Our problem is that most of our respected and learned ulama (رحمهم الله) in our sbcontinent mainly look into the 'letter' but not the 'spirit' and 'substance' in many such issues. Do you think as human being they are ifellible and as sch can't commit any mistakes? The great scholars of Islam Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Malik, Imam Shafi’i, and Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, said ‘when a hadith is found to be authentic that is my adopted position (in fiqh)’. What does it mean? Thanks for reading my last message on this. Im sorry to let you know that I won't respond to you because arguments will never end and you have completely ignored the other parts of my argument.
وإذا خاطبهم الجاهلون قالوا سلاما
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abdul Halim
02/07/2017 18:01:27
"এমন গ্রামটি কোথাও খুঁজে পাবে নাকো তুমি"
চুনতি এসে আর যেতে ইচ্ছে করে না,
এমন অপরূপ সুন্দর মায়া ভরা গ্রামটি ছেড়ে। এই প্রকৃতির সাথেই আমার বেড়ে ওঠা। এখানকার প্রকৃতি আমাকে হাতছানি দিয়ে ঢাকে। ভীষণ মায়া লাগে। এখানকার সবকিছু আমার চেনাজানা। তাই প্রকৃতির সবকিছু তার মায়া দিয়ে আমাকে ঢাকে।
আমার গ্রাম চুনতির দুটি প্রাকৃতিক ছবি স্থান পেয়েছিল ২০১৩ SOUTH EAST BANK ক্যালেন্ডারে। যেখানে একটি ছবি ছিল, রহিঙাঘোনা (হেমন্তকাল) আরেকটি চুনতি হাই স্কুলের পার্শ্বে (ডেপা) (বর্ষাকাল)। গ্রামের প্রাকৃতিক সৌন্দর্যটিকে তুলে ধরেছিলাম সবার কাছে।
আসুন আমাদের মায়াভরা গ্রামটিকে ভালবাসি। মানুষের কাছে তুলে ধরি।
সবাইকে আমার সালাম।
আব্দুল হালিম
Assistant Art Director
Pran RFL Group.
03/07/2017 04:39:30
Hafiz Kochi: 🆘🆘🆘This is from Dr. Geetha Krishnaswamy, Please give your 2min and read this:-
以下资讯来自Geetha Krishnaswamy博士,请给自己2分钟详读: -
1. ⭕Let’s say it’s 7:25pm and you’re going home (alone of course) after an unusually hard day on the job.
2. ⭕You’re really tired, upset and frustrated.
3. ⭕Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to drag out into your arm and up in to your jaw. You are only about five km from the hospital nearest your home.
4. ⭕Unfortunately you don’t know if you’ll be able to make it that far.
5. ⭕You have been trained in CPR, but the guy who taught the course did not tell you how to perform it on yourself.
Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has onlyabout 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.
7. ⭕🆘However, these victims can help themselves by 🆘coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest.
🆘A breath and a 🆘cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.
8. ⭕🆘Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and 🆘🆘coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital.
9. Tell as many other people as possible about this. It could save their lives!
10. A cardiologist says If everyone who gets this mail kindly sends it to 10 people, you can bet that we’ll save at least one life.
11. Rather than sending jokes, please..contribute by forwarding this mail which can save a person’s life….
12. If this message comes around you ……more than once…..please don’t get irritated……You need to be happy that you have many friends who care about you & being reminded of how to tackle….Heart Attack….AGAIN…
Dr. N Siva
(Senior Cardiologist
Copy and paste...you might save lives 😊Please don't mind repetition☺
复制和贴文...你可能救到他人的生命 😊请不要介意重复又重复的讯息☺
Huda (Borhan, Edmonton)
03/07/2017 05:35:18
@Minhaz Bhai:JZK Dear Minhaz Bhai for a timely reminder abt those 6 days fasting wt upmost rewards. I also believe,we all know that it is not an obligatory to fast 6 days consecutively,we can separate them throughout the Shawaal month if needed,but early start is always better. One small & v. important note that it is not recommended to fast only single Friday or Saturday/Sunday for different reasons. And,highly recommended to fast one more day back to back after/before with those days mentioned,so there is no problem to fast single day between Monday to Thursday. There are lots of authentic resources online/talk to your local scholars,if you have any concerns. May Allah accept & give us the opportunity to fast these 6 days soon as possible InshaAllah. Borhan
Dr. Abdus Salam Osmani
03/07/2017 07:58:33
Respected Khurram Bhai,
Thank you for a precious post about self treatment of a sudden cardiac attack.
It will be helpful to members of this forum as well their relatives.We should all share it to our relatives not only through media but also verbally who haven't net connection.
03/07/2017 08:06:07
Thank you dear Dr Abu
03/07/2017 08:07:22
ur kind words ! Pls keep me in ur prayers ! Kb
M. Azam
03/07/2017 08:41:20
Thank you Burhan for your appreciating words and useful suggestions,remarks regarding 6 days fast. Likewise nice to hear from you after a pretty long pause. Hope everything is good with you Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah SWT. Please do keep us in your prayers. Take care.
Huda (Borhan, Edmonton)
03/07/2017 10:26:52
Thanks Minhaz vai again. Alhamdulilla,things are going good so far. Please keep us in ur prayers as well. Jzk
Sohail kamal
03/07/2017 11:31:29
He it is who sends down clear signs to his servant, that he may bring you out of every kind of darkness into the light. And verily , Allah is compassionate and merciful to you .
Surah : AL Hadid ; 10
Dr. Abdus Salam Osmani
03/07/2017 13:04:51
COLLECTED from one of my younger fellow,Dr Ferdaush Ahmed Chowdhury, London.
যারা কথায় কথায় বাংলাদেশের সরকারী হাসপাতাল এর সাথে ধনী দেশগুলোর হাসপাতালের তুলনা করে ডাক্তারদের তুলোধুনো করেন তাদের জন্য সংক্ষেপে ৫টা পয়েন্ট দিচ্ছি।
ইংল্যান্ডে বছরে চিকিতসা খাতে সরকারী বাজেট ১১৬ বিলিয়ন পাউন্ড, বাংলাদেশী মুদ্রায় ১২ ট্রিলিয়ন টাকা। সাড়ে ৬ কোটি জনগনের দেশে মাথাপিছু খরচ পড়ে ২ লক্ষ টাকার মত। ১৭ কোটি জনসংখ্যার দেশে একই মানের সেবা দিতে গেলে বাংলাদেশ সরকারের স্বাস্থ্যখাতে বাজেট হতে হবে ৩০ ট্রিলিয়ন টাকা! যা দিয়ে ৪৫টা পদ্মাসেতু বানানো সম্ভব। [ধার কর্য মিলিয়ে বাংলাদেশের সব খাত মিলিয়ে এ বছরের বাজেট সাড়ে ৩ ট্রিলিয়ন টাকা ভুলে যাবেন না যেন!]
ইংল্যান্ডে ডাক্তার-নার্সসহ সরকারী হাসপাতালের মোট কর্মচারী সংখ্যা ১১ লক্ষ। এর মানে দাড়ালো এ দেশের প্রতি ৬০ জনে ১ জন সরকারী হাসপাতালে কোনো না কোনো চাকুরী করছে! ভেবে দেখুন কি বিশাল এক প্রতিষ্ঠান! মনেই হতে পারে রোগীর চেয়ে হাসপাতালের কর্মচারী বেশী!
ইংল্যেন্ডে লাইসেন্সপ্রাপ্ত ডাক্তারের সংখ্যা ২ লক্ষ ৩৭ হাজার। এর মধ্যে সরকারী হাসপাতালে কাজ করছেন ১ লক্ষ ৬ হাজার জন। মাথাপিছু ডাক্তারের সংখ্যা (দেশের মোট জনসংখ্যার) প্রতি ২৭৫ জনে ১ জন, সরকারী ডাক্তারের সংখ্যা প্রতি ৬০০ জনে ১ জন।
বাংলাদেশে লাইসেন্সপ্রাপ্ত ডাক্তারের সংখ্যা ৫৩ হাজার, তার মধ্যে দেশে অবস্থান করছেন ৪৬ হাজার ডাক্তার। মাথাপিছু ডাক্তারের সংখ্যা প্রতি ৩,৫০০ জনে ১ জন! সরকারী চাকুরীতে ডাক্তারের সঠিক সংখ্যা জানা নাই আমাত। সেটা হিসেবে নিলে প্রতি ৭,০০০ জনে হয়তো ১ জন সরকারী ডাক্তার।
নার্সের সংখ্যা তুলনা করলে ইংল্যান্ডে সরকারী হাসপাতালে মোট নার্সের সংখ্যা ২ লক্ষ ৮৫ হাজার, (দেশের মোট জনসংখ্যার) প্রতি ২২৫ জনে একজন নার্স। বাংলাদেশে প্রতি ১০ হাজার জনে ১ জন নার্স!
নার্সের বাংলা হচ্ছে সেবক/সেবিকা। তো এতো কম সেবক দিয়ে উন্নত সেবা আশা করেন কিভাবে বলুন?
হুম এই পরিমান জনবল ও বাজেট নিয়েও হিমসিম খাচ্ছে সঠিক স্বাস্থ্যসেবা দিতে ইংল্যান্ড সরকার। এখানে নির্বাচনে দলগুলোর ম্যানিফেষ্টোর বড় একটা অংশই থাকে এই খাত নিয়ে। আর আমরা হাসপাতালে বাজেট ও জনবল বাড়ানোর দাবী না তুলে ডাক্তারদের মারধোর করলেই স্বাস্থ্যসেবার উন্নতি হবে বিশ্বাস নিয়েই একবিংশ শতাব্দি পার করে দিচ্ছি। আফসোস। বাই দ্যা ওয়ে 'পে ট্যাক্স'। সরকারের কাছে ম্যাজিক মানি নাই।
১) জিএমসি ইউকে ওয়েবসাইট
২) এনএইচএস ইউকে ওয়েবসাইট
৩) বিএমডিসি বাংলাদেশ ওয়েবসাইট
৪) ওয়ার্ল্ড হেলথ ওর্গানাইজেশন ওয়েবসাইট
৫) মিনিষ্ট্রি অফ ফিন্যান্স ওয়েবসাইট
M.A Quader
03/07/2017 15:35:15
India vs Bangladesh এর comparison টা একটু জানা দরকার,India বিশাল জনগোষ্টির দেশ হওয়া সত্তেও আমরা আমাদের দেশের ডাক্তারদের উপর আস্থা হারিয়ে India র থেকে সুচিকিৎসা নিয়ে আসতেচি ৷
Saiful Huda Siddiquee
03/07/2017 15:45:37
Respected Chunatian’s, asssalamualykum
I'm really happy by your kind words and feelings, thank you so much to all. Our club Rotary Club of Chittagong Port City maximum members are from EPZ industry owner and higher-ranking employee of EPZ industries .
Yes brother Amir Khan you are correct our elder brother Rtn Farid Uddin Khan Siddiquee and he was President and last was District Secretary and our niece Rtn CP Ruhela Chowdhury of Chunati was president of her club and at present She is also a District leader.
Be grateful to my beloved brother Tusher, Zahed, Rashed, Amir Khan, and Respected Minhaz Bhai, Abedin Chacha, Dr. faruq Mama, Dulal Mama. Engr. Md. Shah Allam bhai, My classmate DR: Seheli Nargis, beloved Nephew Dr: Abu, Dr: Majid and Dr: Zafrin, Asique, Sahadat, Kaji Arif, Kaji Sharif, My nati Akid, Irfan, Sister Sanjida, and Ziad, Sohel and all members of Priyo Chunati Forum.
Sorry for delay reply as I was so busy for year launching Day for the year 2017-2018 and our office open just after Eid holiday, as all of you know that Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who come together to make positive, lasting change in communities at home and abroad
Rotary is dedicated to six areas of focus to build international relationships, improve lives, and create a better world to support our peace efforts and end polio forever.
What we do
Rotary members believe that we have a shared responsibility to take action on our world’s most persistent issues. Our 35,000+ clubs work together to:
•Promote peace
•Fight disease
•Provide clean water, sanitation, and hygiene
•Save mothers and children
•Support education
•Grow local economies
•Tree Plantation,
And we have planned to set an Adult literacy Center Chunati (if we get any local partner from chunati.) The program is intended to promote adult literacy among people who have had very little schooling. Their goal is to achieve basic literacy.If any institute or club or organization of chunati interested to do this work jointly with our Club please contact with me asap.
And already a sanitation project budget approve by club board of Directors for Chunati and it will be at Chunati Nolbonia Darul Quran Ebdetia Madrasha .
There is much scope for fund and do humanitarian work for underprivileged people through rotary movement.
Thank you all again and please keeps Doa for me to complete successfully my job.
Regards. Saiful Huda Siddiquee .
Saiful Huda Siddiquee
03/07/2017 15:50:22
Ending polio forever
Rotary has been working to eradicate polio for over 30 years, and our goal of ridding the earth of this disease is in sight. We started in 1979 with vaccinations for 6 million children in the Philippines. Today, Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Pakistan are the only countries where polio remains endemic.
Dr. Abdus Salam Osmani
03/07/2017 16:24:31
Thank you very much SAIFUL chacha for explaining the activities of the Rotary Club international and the dedicated Rotarians.